Revealing Tilsa Lozano’s Heartbreak: Uncovering Jackson Mora’s Deception and Her Response

2023-07-02 20:12:37

Tilsa Lozano, 40, reappeared on her social networks this Saturday, July 1, with her husband Jackson Mora and their little son, following the Magaly Medina program revealed that the boxer asked his Community Manager to write sweet love messages for the ex-bunny, who believed the whole story and was excited by the words of her partner.

Through her Instagram account, the former “Avenger” wanted to make it clear that her family is closer than ever by showing off with the 47-year-old athlete and his minor heir, the result of his relationship with Miguel Hidalgo.

LOOK: Magaly and her cruel thrust at Tilsa: “Vargas’ ex-lover should be grateful that they married her”

“My boys”, wrote ‘Tili’ next to an image where he appears very happy next to Jackson and his pouting offspring.

What did Tilsa Lozano do following discovering Jackson Mora’s deception. Photo: (Instagram/@tilsa_lozano).

This is how Tilsa Lozano responded to Jackson Mora’s messages

Tilsa Lozano believed in Jackson Mora’s words of love and this was her reaction:

“You made me runny, how do you write so beautifully, my love. I swear you don’t know how I feel in my heart every word you write. I already realized that you write much better than you speak. That is your way of communication, always write to me, never stop doing it because I feel it inside of me in my soul.

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