Revealing the Secrets of America’s Hidden Framework

A road map for peace in Ukraine, “a plan that will be ready in November and that I will present to President Biden, to candidates Trump and Harris, and to the leaders of the G7 because I want to know what they think.” Ukrainian President Volodymir Zelensky said this in an interview with the directors of six Italian newspapers – Repubblica, Corriere della Sera, la Stampa, Sole 24 Ore, Tg1, Skytg24 – moderated by Monica Maggioni, former director of Tg1 and war correspondent. This is therefore his “secret plan” that Zelensky is working on, with a still confidential framework, which is why he has not provided many details. From his statements, however, it is clear that the plan will include an active role in the Ukrainian defense of Western partners that is “a guarantee of the ceasefire.” And therefore allows the leader of Kiev to sit at the table and open diplomatic negotiations.

In the interview, the Ukrainian president also defended the incursion into Russia and raised the alarm about military supplies from North Korea and Iran to the Kremlin. In particular, Zelensky explained that Ukraine was forced to carry out a preventive operation in the Kursk region because “American intelligence and other Western countries warned us that the Russian Federation was trying to occupy Kharkiv and the Sumy region to create a buffer zone in the north of Ukraine. In Kharkiv we stopped them, for Sumy we took a preventive action in Kursk to defend the city. We had the right to do so,” he said. On the burning issue of weapons, Zelensky confirmed the news published by the Wall Street Journal about Tehran’s delivery of weapons to Russia, and supplies also from North Korea. “Moreover, all the long-range missiles that are launched from Russia have Western components, parts from Taiwan, Chinese parts. We have all the evidence. Putin does not have a single long-range missile that is built entirely from Russian components,” the Ukrainian president stressed.

Face to face Meloni-Zelensky: support for Ukraine reaffirmed

On relations between Kiev and Rome, in particular on the fact that in Italy not all political forces of the Meloni government are in favor of the occupation of the Russian region of Kursk, Zelensky assured that he “has no problem with the Italian government”. In his morning conversation with Prime Minister Meloni, he spoke of “rebuilding Ukraine, of preparations for the conference on the subject that will be held in Italy in 2025”. In the context of the Ambrosetti Forum, which takes place at the Villa D’Este on Lake Como, the Ukrainian president also “met with the most important CEOs of your country”, as reported to Italian newspapers. And on the recent government reshuffle – which has generated perplexity among the allies – Zelensky explained that “the change is due to the fact that the war continues and every person, even highly professional, is tired”. He argued that “Ukraine has no chance of winning if it is tired. We must work 24/7 for our people. I had already said about the intention to make a change in the entire system and I had started with the commander of the armed forces (Zaluzhny, ed.) and now we have arrived at the government. This will allow us to have new energy. The professionalism of the ministers who are leaving has never been in question”.

#present #secret #plan #Tempo
2024-09-07 21:52:07

– What⁢ are the key components of Zelensky’s roadmap for peace ⁣in Ukraine that he‌ plans to present to​ world leaders in November?

Zelensky Unveils Roadmap for Peace in Ukraine,‌ to Present⁢ Plan to Biden, ​Trump, ⁢and Harris in November

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has ⁤announced ‍that he⁤ is working on⁢ a roadmap for peace in Ukraine, which he plans to present to US President Joe Biden, candidates Donald Trump and Kamala⁣ Harris, and G7 leaders in​ November. In an interview with ​Italian newspapers, Zelensky revealed that his plan aims to ensure a ceasefire and pave⁣ the way for diplomatic negotiations.

According to​ Zelensky, the roadmap will include an active role for Western partners in Ukraine’s defense, ​serving‌ as ⁣a guarantee of the ceasefire. Although the plan’s details remain confidential, the Ukrainian president emphasized that it will require the involvement ⁢of ‍Western countries to succeed.

Zelensky’s announcement comes as Ukraine continues to face military ​aggression from Russia. In recent weeks, Ukraine has carried out a preventive operation in the Kursk region, citing American intelligence reports that Russia was planning to occupy Kharkiv and Sumy regions to create a buffer zone in northern Ukraine. Zelensky defended the operation, stating ⁢that Ukraine had ‌the ‌right to defend itself and prevent further aggression.

Moreover, the Ukrainian president expressed concern over military supplies from North Korea and⁣ Iran to‌ Russia. He confirmed reports of Tehran’s delivery of weapons to​ Russia⁣ and stressed that all ‍long-range missiles launched from Russia have Western components, citing evidence⁣ of parts from Taiwan and China.

During⁢ his conversation with Italian Prime Minister Meloni, Zelensky discussed rebuilding Ukraine and preparations for a conference on⁢ the subject to be held in Italy in‌ 2025. He‌ also​ met with Italian ⁢CEOs at the Ambrosetti Forum, emphasizing the importance⁢ of international cooperation in Ukraine’s reconstruction⁣ efforts.

Despite⁢ recent government reshuffles in ‌Ukraine, which have raised⁤ concerns among allies, Zelensky assured that the changes are necessary to ensure Ukraine’s success in the war effort.‌ “Ukraine has no chance ⁤of winning if it is​ tired.⁣ We must work 24/7 ‌for our people,”

Here are some PAA (People Also Ask) related questions for the title **”Zelensky’s Roadmap for Peace in Ukraine: A Comprehensive Plan”**:

Zelensky’s Roadmap for Peace in Ukraine: A Comprehensive Plan

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has been working on a comprehensive plan for peace in Ukraine, which he plans to present to world leaders, including President Biden, candidates Trump and Harris, and the leaders of the G7. The plan, which is expected to be ready in November, aims to bring an end to the ongoing conflict between Ukraine and Russia.

The 10-Point Peace Plan

While the details of the plan are still confidential, Zelensky has revealed that it will include 10 essential points, which will address key issues such as radiation and nuclear safety, food security, energy security, and the release of all prisoners [[1]]. The plan will also involve an active role for Western partners in ensuring a guarantee of ceasefire, which will allow for diplomatic negotiations to take place.

Active Role for Western Partners

Zelensky has stressed the importance of Western partners in ensuring a guarantee of ceasefire, which is essential for any peace plan to be successful. This involvement will provide a level of security and stability that will allow Ukraine to sit at the negotiating table and engage in diplomatic talks.

Incursion into Russia and Military Supplies

In a recent interview, Zelensky defended Ukraine’s incursion into Russia, stating that it was a necessary preventive measure to defend Ukraine’s borders. He also raised concerns about military supplies from North Korea and Iran to the Kremlin, citing evidence that Russian long-range missiles contain Western components [[3]].

Global Support

In an effort to garner global support for his peace plan, Zelensky has proposed a summit with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, which would provide a platform for him to present his plan to a broader audience [[2]]. The Ukrainian president has also emphasized the need for international cooperation in resolving the conflict, stating that he wants to know what world leaders think about his plan.

A Call to Action

As the world waits for the details of Zelensky’s peace plan, one thing is clear: the need for a comprehensive and inclusive approach to resolving the conflict in Ukraine. The Ukrainian president’s initiative is a crucial step towards achieving peace and stability in the region, and it is essential that the international community comes together to support this effort.







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