Revealing the Past: The Remarkable Finding of the True Cross by St. Helena on September 14, 326

Revealing the Past: The Remarkable Finding of the True Cross by St. Helena on September 14, 326

Like today, September 14 historical and important events happened for our country, but also for him World.

So let’s go back to the page of Time’s calendar to see what happened like today…


The mother of Constantine the Great, Helen, discovers the Cross of martyrdom in Jerusalem.


The Byzantine emperor Heraclius triumphantly enters Constantinople, after having defeated the Persians and recovered the Holy Cross.


On the day of the Elevation of the Holy Cross, Nikolaos Skoufas, Emmanuel Xanthos and Athanasios Tsakalov, found in Odessa the “Friendly Society”, according to one version.


The Treaty of Adrianople is signed, which means the end of the Russo-Turkish War of 1828-1829. With article 10 of the treaty, the Sultan recognizes the previous protocols and treaties concerning the Greek question and paves the way for the autonomy of the newly established Greek state of Greece (September 2, according to the Old Calendar).


Karl Marx publishes “Capital”, which is the crown of his work.


The “Orfeas” music and gymnastics club is founded in Smyrna, from whose members, three years later, the “Gymnasion” gymnasium club will be founded. The two clubs will unite in 1898 and create the “Panionio Gymnastic Club of Smyrna”.


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#day #September #mother #Constantine #Great #Helen #discovers #Cross #martyrdom #Jerusalem #happened

What significant events occurred on September 14th throughout history?

Historical Events of September 14th: ⁢A Day of Significance

As we mark September 14th today, we ‍take ‌a trip down memory lane to explore the historical events that have shaped our ​world. From ancient times to modern-day milestones, this day has witnessed numerous ‍significant occurrences that have⁤ left an indelible mark on‌ human history. Let’s delve into the annals of time and discover what happened on this day throughout the ages.

326: The Discovery of the Cross of Martyrdom

Our ⁣journey begins in 326, when Helena, the mother of Constantine the Great, discovered⁣ the Cross of ‌Martyrdom in Jerusalem. This momentous event marked a turning⁤ point in Christian⁤ history, as the Cross became a ⁢powerful symbol of faith and devotion.

628: Heraclius’ Triumphant Entry into ‌Constantinople

Fast-forward to 628,‍ when the Byzantine Emperor Heraclius triumphantly⁤ entered Constantinople after defeating the Persians‌ and recovering the Holy​ Cross. This victory marked a significant milestone in the history of the Byzantine⁢ Empire, cementing⁤ its position as a ​powerful force in the ancient⁢ world.

1814: The Founding of the “Friendly Society”

Moving to ​more modern times, on September‍ 14th, 1814, ⁢Nikolaos Skoufas, Emmanuel Xanthos, and Athanasios‍ Tsakalov founded the “Friendly⁢ Society” in ‍Odessa, a‍ secret organization that‌ played a crucial role in the Greek ⁣struggle for independence.

1829: The Treaty of Adrianople

Just 15 years⁣ later, on⁢ September 14th, 1829, the Treaty of Adrianople ​was signed, marking⁣ the ⁢end ‌of ‍the ‍Russo-Turkish⁢ War of 1828-1829. This treaty ‌paved the way for the autonomy of the newly established ‍Greek state, acknowledging the previous protocols and treaties concerning the Greek question.

1867: The Publication ⁢of Capital

In 1867, Karl Marx published⁢ “Capital”, ​the ​magnum opus of his work, which ‌went on to ‌shape‍ the course of Marxist theory and influence​ socialist movements worldwide.

1890: ‍The Founding of the “Orfeas” Music and​ Gymnastics Club

In 1890, ​the “Orfeas” music and ⁤gymnastics club was founded in Smyrna, a precursor to ⁤the “Panionio Gymnastic ​Club of Smyrna” established in 1898.

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Want to explore more historical events and news? Check out our archive ⁣for:

DATA C poll for Upheavals in the ​parties – 1,143 voters for Sakellaropoulou, Ukraine and ⁤accuracy

Andromache: The snapshot shared by Giorgos Livanis after the birth of their son

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As we celebrate⁣ September 14th, we remember the countless events that‍ have shaped our world and continue to inspire us today.


optimized keywords: historical events, September 14, Constantine the Great, Helena, Cross of⁣ Martyrdom, Byzantine Empire, Heraclius, Friendly Society, Greek independence, Treaty of Adrianople, Karl Marx, Capital, Orfeas music and gymnastics club, Panionio Gymnastic Club of Smyrna.

What historical significance do events on September 14th hold in various cultures?

Significant Events that Occurred on September 14th Throughout History

September 14th, a day just like today, has been marked by numerous historical and important events that have shaped our country and the world. Let’s take a step back in time and explore some of the most significant events that occurred on this day.

326: The Discovery of the Cross of Martyrdom

On September 14th, 326, Helen, the mother of Constantine the Great, discovered the Cross of Martyrdom in Jerusalem. This event marked a significant milestone in Christian history, as it symbolized the power and importance of the Christian faith.

628: The Triumphal Entry of Heraclius

Fast forward to 628, when the Byzantine emperor Heraclius triumphantly entered Constantinople, having defeated the Persians and recovered the Holy Cross. This victory marked a significant turning point in the Byzantine Empire’s history.

1814: The Founding of the Friendly Society

On September 14th, 1814, Nikolaos Skoufas, Emmanuel Xanthos, and Athanasios Tsakalov founded the “Friendly Society” in Odessa, according to one version. This society played a crucial role in the Greek struggle for independence.

1829: The Treaty of Adrianople

In 1829, the Treaty of Adrianople was signed, marking the end of the Russo-Turkish War of 1828-1829. With Article 10 of the treaty, the Sultan recognized the previous protocols and treaties concerning the Greek question, paving the way for the autonomy of the newly established Greek state.

1867: The Publication of “Capital”

On September 14th, 1867, Karl Marx published “Capital”, which would become the crown jewel of his work. This influential book would go on to shape socialist and Marxist thought for generations to come.

1890: The Founding of the “Orfeas” Music and Gymnastics Club

In 1890, the “Orfeas” music and gymnastics club was founded in Smyrna. Three years later, its members would go on to establish the “Gymnasion” gymnastics club, which would eventually merge with “Orfeas” in 1898 to form the “Panionio Gymnastic Club of Smyrna”.

What Significant Events Occurred on September 14th Throughout History?

As we reflect on the events that occurred on September 14th, we are reminded of the significance of this day in shaping our country’s and the world’s history. From the discovery of the Cross of Martyrdom to the publication of “Capital”, September 14th has been marked by moments that have left an indelible mark on human history.

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