The research is under a project called GLASS (Grism Lens-Amplified Survey from Space), an Early Release Science project. will be able to see the data with researchers around the world Therefore, the competition was even more intense. It turns out that whoever analyzes the data first, publishes it first, will get the results first.
This time, it’s like a game of hunting for the furthest galaxy. The competition in the field of astronomy is quite fierce. As for the work that Nicha has done is the one who runs the code that is used to find out how far this galaxy is. as usual in galaxies We tend to use redshift (abbreviated z) or red shift instead of distance. due to the light of distant galaxies will go through the expansion of the universe Therefore, the light shifts in a more “red” direction, so it is called redshift, which corresponds to distance. But it can be measured much easier.
Usually, to find redshift, we need to measure it from the spectrum. but for very faint galaxies Direct spectral measurements are difficult. Therefore, the brightness of galaxies is measured at each wavelength observed. and compare it with the model to find out how consistent it is with redshift.
what was found was A galaxy at redshift z=12.3 or 13.5 billion light years away.From the deepest photograph (longest exposure) among all Early Release Science projects, which if confirmed later This would be one of the farthest, deepest galaxies ever observed. It’s deeper than the image from the galaxy cluster SMACs 0723 released as part of the first of the five JWST images we’ve seen so far. That said there was a very fierce competition. Because another wallpaper was released the same day. The lead author is a research fellow at Harvard University. It’s a good chance that we’ll find this galaxy as well.
cr. NARIT National Astronomical Research Institute
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