Revealed, Puput’s reason for suing Doddy for divorce is because he was restrained

Jakarta, Insertlive

Reason Puput Sudrajat suing for divorce Doddy Sudrajat is still not clearly revealed.

Through his attorney, Puput only mentioned that there was no match between the two.

However, Halim Perdana Kusuma revealed one reason Puput filed for divorce because they felt constrained.

“It’s more or less (unfettered),” said Halim Perdana Kusuma as Puput’s attorney when met InsertLive in Tangerang, Tuesday (15/3).

Furthermore, Halim revealed Doddy very disciplined regarding time so Puput feels uncomfortable at work.

“It’s not that you’re not allowed to work, but it’s more regarding discipline. While Mbak Puput is in business, business doesn’t know time,” he continued.

Halim added that Puput must follow orders Doddy until the work is interrupted.

“But when Mr. Doddy asked to go home, yes, Mbak Puput had to go home. That would affect his work because he was related to a third party,” he concluded.

Puput Sudrajat sued for divorce Doddy Sudrajat to the Central Jakarta Religious Court on Tuesday (15/3).

In this e-court lawsuit, Puput only filed for child custody from his relationship with Doddy, who was only five years old.


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