Revamping Road Safety: The Case for Lowering the Legal Blood Alcohol Limit to 0.2

Goodbye to drinking before drivingThe traffic authorities are seeking to reduce the current alcohol limit of 0.5 grams per litre of blood to 0.2 (or from 0.25 milligrams per litre of inhaled air to 0.10) for all drivers. How does this translate into alcohol consumption?

The proposal is a consequence of the numerous requests that victims’ associations and foundations in the field of road safety have received from the General Directorate of Traffic (DGT) and seeks to make society forget the concept of “moderate consumption” and assume that “only zero has zero consequences”.

This was also confirmed by the Minister of the Interior, Fernando Grande-Marlaska, last Thursday during an Informative Breakfast, who is in favour of initiate parliamentary procedures to lower this rate. They thus intend to accept the DGT’s proposal.

Alcohol is present in one in three fatal accidents

In 2023, more than half of drivers who died in traffic accidents in Spain and underwent autopsy had consumed alcohol, drugs or psychotropic drugs, according to a report by the National Institute of Toxicology. Alcohol is the most common substance of all and is present in one in three cases.

Traffic has been trying for years to dissociate the perception of risk of accident from the idea of ​​high alcohol consumption and to install the message that The effects are harmful even at low levels of consumption.

With a blood alcohol level of 0.5 grams of alcohol per litre of blood, the risk of suffering a collision is multiplied by two, and with 0.8 the risk is five times greater.

The alcohol rate depends on many factors

The blood alcohol level depends on many factors, such as the food consumed, the type of drink, the time elapsed since consumption, and the tolerance to alcohol.

In addition, age is another factor, which is why traffic warns that People under 18 and over 65 suffer more from the effects of alcoholThis is even more serious for new drivers, due to their experience, so that the rate for them was already lower than for the rest.

Alcohol does not affect men and women equally.nor to fat or thin people. With the same amount of drinks, a woman or someone of low weight will have a higher rate than a man or a heavier driver.

The time of day is another factor that influences. During rest, alcohol elimination is slower during periods of activity, which is why someone who has had a lot to drink before going to bed can still test positive when they wake up. Under normal conditions, a rate of 1 gram of alcohol per litre of blood takes between 6 and 10 hours to be eliminated.

So how much can you drink?

Traffic also asks for eAvoid myths and false tricks to overcome alcohol levelssuch as exercising, chewing gum or candy, and others such as chewing coffee grounds, drinking oil or consuming cocaine.

They have established a series of standard measurements for the most common drinks, according to which practically all of them reach or exceed the rate of 0.2 l/g in blood.

A third of a beer in a man weighing between 70 and 90 kilos would give a rate between 0.21 and 0.28that is, prohibited. In the case of a woman weighing between 50 and 70 kilos, the rate would range between 0.34 and 0.48..

According to calculations by the DGT, a driver of that weight who drank a 100-millilitre glass of wine would have between 0.16 and 0.2. In the case of a woman, she would not be able to get behind the wheel, but would at least reach 0.25.

A small glass of vermouth or a shot of a low-alcohol liquor (23 degrees) would not exceed 0.2. And only in the aforementioned category of men between 70 and 90 kilos. In women, the breathalyzer would be triggered.

The DGT classification includes categories such as ‘brandy’ or ‘mixed’, but in those cases not even the smallest glass falls below 0.2.

BAC calculator

Goodbye to Drinking Before Driving: Understanding⁣ Blood Alcohol Content

The traffic authorities are seeking to reduce the current alcohol ⁤limit for⁢ drivers from⁤ 0.5 grams per liter‌ of blood ‍to 0.2, ​a move that​ aims ‍to make society ‍forget ⁣the concept of “moderate consumption” ​and assume that “only zero has zero consequences.” But‌ how ⁣does ⁢this translate into alcohol consumption?

What is Blood Alcohol Content​ (BAC)?

Blood alcohol content, also known as blood alcohol level,⁢ is the amount of alcohol in your​ blood. It is calculated in ‌grams per 100 mL of blood, so a BAC of 0.08 means your blood is⁢ 0.08% ​alcohol by volume [[2]]. In different countries, the maximum permitted ​BAC when driving ranges⁢ from the limit of detection (zero tolerance) to 0.08% [[3]].

The Risks of Drinking and Driving

Alcohol is present in one in three fatal accidents, ‌making it the most common substance involved in traffic accidents [[1]]. Even at low levels of consumption, the​ effects of​ alcohol on driving can be harmful. ⁢With a blood ​alcohol ‍level of 0.5 ⁣grams of ‍alcohol⁤ per liter of blood, the risk of ⁢suffering a ⁣collision is multiplied by two, and with 0.8 the risk ⁢is five​ times greater.

Factors ⁤Affecting Blood ⁢Alcohol Level

The blood alcohol level depends on many factors, including the food consumed, the type of drink, the time elapsed ⁣since consumption, and the tolerance to alcohol. Age is also a factor, with people under 18 and over 65 suffering more from the effects of ​alcohol. Additionally, alcohol does not ​affect‍ men and women⁤ equally, nor‌ does it affect people ‍of different weights ‌equally. The ‍time of day is another ​factor that influences, as alcohol elimination is slower during rest periods.

How ‌Much Can You Drink?

So,⁢ how much can ​you drink before reaching the proposed limit of 0.2 grams of alcohol per liter of‍ blood? The​ answer is not straightforward, as the amount ‍of alcohol in your ‌blood depends on many factors. However, traffic authorities have ⁢established standard measurements for common drinks, according⁤ to which⁤ practically all of ⁤them reach or exceed the rate of 0.2 ⁤l/g in blood. For example, ⁣a third⁣ of‍ a beer in a man⁢ weighing between 70 and 90 kilos⁣ would give a rate between 0.21 and 0.28, which is above the proposed limit.

Avoiding Myths ⁤and False Tricks

It’s⁣ important to‌ note that exercising, chewing gum ‍or candy,​ or using other methods to try ⁢to ‌overcome alcohol levels are myths and do not work. The ‌only way to ensure you are⁣ safe to drive is to avoid drinking altogether.

the proposed ⁣reduction in ‍the ‍alcohol limit⁢ for drivers ​aims to make society aware​ of the risks of drinking ​and driving and to promote a culture ⁤of zero tolerance. By understanding blood alcohol ‍content and ⁤the factors that​ affect it, we⁤ can make informed choices about our drinking ‍habits and stay safe⁢ on the roads.

BAC calculator

Goodbye to Drinking Before Driving: Understanding Blood Alcohol Content (BAC)

The traffic authorities are seeking to reduce the current alcohol limit of 0.5 grams per liter of blood to 0.2 (or from 0.25 milligrams per liter of inhaled air to 0.10) for all drivers. This proposal aims to emphasize that “only zero has zero consequences” and to dissociate the perception of risk of accident from the idea of moderate alcohol consumption.

Alcohol is Present in One in Three Fatal Accidents

According to a report by the National Institute of Toxicology, more than half of drivers who died in traffic accidents in Spain and underwent autopsy had consumed alcohol, drugs, or psychotropic drugs. Alcohol is the most common substance of all and is present in one in three cases [3].

The Harmful Effects of Low-Level Consumption

Traffic authorities want to install the message that the effects of alcohol are harmful even at low levels of consumption. With a blood alcohol level of 0.5 grams of alcohol per liter of blood, the risk of suffering a collision is multiplied by two, and with 0.8 the risk is five times greater.

The Alcohol Rate Depends on Many Factors

The blood alcohol level depends on many factors, such as:

Food consumed

Type of drink

Time elapsed since consumption

Tolerance to alcohol

Age: People under 18 and over 65 suffer more from the effects of alcohol [2]

Gender: Alcohol does not affect men and women equally

Weight: With the same amount of drinks, a woman or someone of low weight will have a higher rate than a man or a heavier driver

Time of day: During rest, alcohol elimination is slower

So How Much Can You Drink?

It’s difficult to determine a specific amount of drinks that is safe to consume before driving, as the blood alcohol level depends on many individual factors. However, it’s essential to remember that even small amounts of alcohol can impair driving skills and increase the risk of accidents.

BAC Calculator

To get a better understanding of how much you can drink before reaching the legal limit, you can use a Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) calculator. These calculators take into account factors such as weight, gender, and the amount and type of drinks consumed.

International BAC Limits

Interestingly, BAC limits vary across countries and regions. In Europe, for example, the BAC limit ranges from 0.2 (bus drivers) to 0.5 (general drivers) [2]. In some countries, there is a zero-tolerance policy, where any detectable amount of alcohol in the blood is considered a criminal offense <a href="”>[1].

the proposal to reduce the BAC limit aims to emphasize the risks associated with even low levels of alcohol consumption while driving. By understanding the factors that influence BAC and the harmful effects of alcohol, we can work towards creating a safer and more responsible driving culture.



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