Revamping Realty: Advocates Unite for Tax Reform in Lithuania

Permit – for one thousand people

Adomas Bužinskas, director of the Vilnius city municipality administration, has signed the order regarding the organized meeting.

“I match Raimondo Šimaitis’s 2023 October 26 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. (preparatory work at the meeting place starting at 9:00 a.m. on October 26, 2023) Time, place and form of the meeting organized in Independence Square to protest against real estate taxes (no more than 1,000 people will participate in the meeting),” the order reads.

About what kind of rally it will be, R. Šimaitis himself writes on Facebook that the event will not be political.

The rally is not political, unfortunately, but the speeches of political candidates have to be rejected.

“Are there economists, accountants, social affairs specialists, active citizens who understand where this is leading, but do not participate in active politics and want to express their position during the October 26 rally?”

The rally is not political, unfortunately, but the speeches of political candidates have to be rejected, because then all the candidates would have to be invited and the main message would not be conveyed,” wrote the organizer of the rally.

The protesters will be transported by buses, but for money

According to him, it is planned that the rally will be peaceful: “We will not destroy the Seimas, the “titushkas” will have nowhere to express themselves.”

Rally participants are promised to be brought by buses from various parts of Lithuania.

As announced on social networks, those who want to go should register in advance, buses will be waiting for them in Kaunas, Klaipėda, Šilute, Taurage, Šiauliai, Radvilišky, Šeduva, Panevėžys.

The price of the trip is 15 euros per person.

Luko Balandios / 15 min photo/2021 08 10 rally near the Seimas

The police have no signals of unrest

Police department representative Ramūnas Matonis 15min said that the officials have information about the event, they have not received any signals about unrest, but they say that the police are ready and will act accordingly.

So far, there are no signs of any unrest during the rally, but the police will be prepared for any scenario.

“The police have this information, communicate with the organizers and prepare accordingly to ensure public order and people’s safety.

So far, there are no signals that any disturbances are possible during the rally, but the police will be ready for any scenario,” said R. Matonis.

A final vote is scheduled in the Seimas

On Thursday, the Seimas was expected to hold a final vote on the amendment of the Real Estate Tax Law, but the issue was removed from the agenda.

Prior to submission to the Seimas, the Budget and Finance Committee (BFK) improved the version presented by the Government at the suggestion of the chairman of the committee, conservative Mindaugas Linga, to set 0.05-4 percent from 2025. “scissors” of the commercial and residential real estate tax, leaving the specific rates to be approved by the municipalities.

The project would exempt a part of the value of the main housing, not exceeding 1.5 of the median of the real estate values ​​of the specific municipality (average housing value).

The head of BFK M. Lingė calculated that now only 1% pays real estate tax. owners of the most expensive property.

“1 percent cannot be responsible for the lighting of roads, bicycle paths, sidewalks and streets, parks, and playgrounds in all of Lithuania. Almost 14 million euros, which are collected (in 2022) of which 1 percent. not all potholes will be leveled and not all streets will be lit. This is relevant in all of Lithuania, not only where the current owners of expensive real estate and the payers of this tax are concentrated”, said the parliamentarian at the October 10 Seimas session, presenting the committee’s conclusion.

According to the head of the committee, income from real estate tax in Lithuania now amounts to 0.3 percent. of the gross domestic product (GDP), and in the European Union – an average of 1.2 percent.

Finance Minister Gintarė Skaistė has repeatedly said that the European Commission allocated 26 million euros to Lithuania at the end of April. EUR RRF funds were withheld due to two unachieved indicators – the non-expanded environmental protection and real estate tax base and the validity of some tax benefits.

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#bring #people #Lithuania #rally #real #estate #tax #promise #destroy #Seimas
2024-09-13 23:10:41

– What are the main ⁣reasons behind the rally against real ⁤estate taxes in Vilnius?

Permit Granted for ​1,000-Strong Rally Against Real Estate Taxes in ‍Vilnius

A ⁤permit has been granted for a rally against real estate taxes in Vilnius, Lithuania, with ⁢a ⁣maximum of ‍1,000 participants expected to attend. The ​event, organized by Raimondo Šimaitis, is scheduled to take place⁣ on October 26, 2023, from 11 ‍a.m. to 3 ⁢p.m. in Independence Square. While the rally is not political in nature, speeches by ​political candidates⁣ have been rejected​ to maintain the ⁤focus on the main message.

Rally Organizers Prepare for Peaceful Event

Šimaitis has assured that the rally ⁣will⁣ be peaceful, ‌with no intentions‍ to destroy property or engage in violent behavior. The event ​will feature speeches by economists, accountants, and social ​affairs specialists who understand the impact of⁢ real estate taxes. To facilitate attendance, buses will ​be provided from various ⁢parts of Lithuania, including Kaunas, Klaipėda, Šilute, Taurage, Šiauliai, Radvilišky, Šeduva, and Panevėžys, at a cost of ‍15 euros per person.

Police Prepared⁣ for Any Scenario

The police department has ⁣been informed about ‍the event and has not received any signals of potential unrest. However, they are prepared to⁢ act accordingly to ensure public ⁤order and safety. Ramūnas Matonis, a police department representative, stated that they will be​ ready for any scenario and will communicate with the organizers ​to ensure a ⁤peaceful ⁢event.

Seimas Vote on⁢ Real⁤ Estate Tax Law Amendment Postponed

The‍ Seimas was expected to hold a final vote on the⁣ amendment of the Real Estate Tax Law on Thursday, but the issue was removed ⁢from the agenda. The proposed law⁢ aims to increase the real estate tax base, which currently generates ‌only 0.3% of Lithuania’s gross domestic product (GDP), compared to an average of 1.2% ⁤in the European Union.

Government Aims to Broaden Real Estate Tax Base

The government’s proposed law aims to broaden the real estate tax base​ by setting a ‌0.05-4% tax rate on‌ commercial and residential properties. The⁤ law would exempt⁣ a part of the value of ‍the main ‍housing, not exceeding 1.5 times the‌ median of the real estate ‍values ​​of the ⁣specific⁣ municipality. According to the head of the‌ Budget and Finance⁣ Committee, Mindaugas‌ Linga, only 1% of property owners currently pay real ​estate tax.

The European Commission has allocated 26 million euros to Lithuania, but⁣ the funds are conditional upon the country achieving certain indicators, including the expansion of the real

Is being organized to voice opposition to these proposed changes.

Permit Issued for Rally Against Real Estate Taxes in Vilnius

1,000 Protesters Expected to Gather at Independence Square

Vilnius, Lithuania – Adomas Bužinskas, director of the Vilnius city municipality administration, has signed an order permitting a rally against real estate taxes in Independence Square, Vilnius. The event, scheduled for October 26, 2023, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., is expected to attract up to 1,000 participants.

Organizer Emphasizes Non-Political Nature of the Rally

Raimondo Šimaitis, the organizer of the rally, has clarified that the event will not be political in nature. He has invited economists, accountants, social affairs specialists, and active citizens to express their opinions on the matter. Šimaitis has stressed that speeches by political candidates will not be allowed, to prevent the event from becoming too politicized.

Protesters to Be Transported by Buses, at a Cost

Rally participants from various parts of Lithuania will be transported to Vilnius by buses, with registration available in advance. The cost of the trip has been set at 15 euros per person. Bus pickup points will be located in Kaunas, Klaipėda, Šilute, Taurage, Šiauliai, Radvilišky, Šeduva, and Panevėžys.

Police Prepared for Peaceful Protest

The police department has been informed about the event and has not received any signals of potential unrest. However, they are prepared to maintain public order and ensure people’s safety, as necessary. Ramūnas Matonis, a police department representative, has stated that the police will be ready for any scenario.

Final Vote Scheduled in the Seimas

On Thursday, the Seimas is expected to hold a final vote on the real estate tax issue, which has sparked significant controversy among Lithuanian citizens. The rally on October 26



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