Revamping Healthcare Careers: Innovative Approaches to Attract Talent

2024-09-18 12:29:28

The Union of Public Health Managers (SMPS) alert on the lack of attractiveness combined with the grueling working conditions of health managers, illustrated in particular by a number of candidates which remains very low. Working conditions and remuneration must be reviewed in light of their field responsibilities. Press release.

The SMPS once again notes the lack of attractiveness of the healthcare manager profession, illustrated in particular by a number of candidates that remains very low. How can we generate training projects when we observe the daily lives of managers in our establishments and training institutes? How are the acting managers supported in their first steps? Why agree to take on more responsibility if this results in a major loss of remuneration by becoming managers or trainers?

Once they graduate, our future colleagues know that their “internship” is likely to take several months with very different competition procedures from one establishment to another. The survey conducted in 2021 by the SMPS on the conditions for taking up positions for young managers (accessible by clicking on the following link (see our article) also shows a glaring lack of support for young graduates in their first managerial steps. Because they return to work in their original establishment, young graduates are also too often left to their own devices in positions where they are sometimes assigned without consultation.

The lack of attractiveness combined with the grueling working conditions of executives constitutes a major risk for our establishments and training institutes.

An essential (re)valuation of future managers and a necessary reform of training in IFCS
These substantiated findings lead to an obvious conclusion for the elected “Health Managers” of the SMPS: to remain attractive, the project of professional development towards the profession of health manager must be accompanied and supported in order to promote the understanding of the managerial exercise, and this in the interest of those concerned and of the establishments themselves. Thus, prior training, salary compensation and mentoring by an identified peer must be co-constructed and formalized.

The SMPS and its elected representatives are therefore campaigning tirelessly to ensure that the working conditions and remuneration of managers and trainers are properly reviewed in light of their responsibilities in the field. The revaluations obtained in 2021 are insufficient and can only be seen as catching up after years of silence during which managers were largely forgotten in many hospital or health system reforms.

We also maintain that the IFCS training framework needs to be updated. It will celebrate its 30th anniversary in 2025, a time very different from ours, when the health sector did not suffer from such massive shortages of professionals as today, when the 35-hour week was not known and when the requirements in terms of quality and activity-based pricing remained embryonic. The importance of management missions implies that IFCS training remains in line with the managerial exercise of today and tomorrow.

For the SMPS the line is clear: the voice of executives must still be heard, defended and respected, at all stages of their career.

#Health #executive #revalue #profession #attractive

– What are the main‌ challenges ⁤facing healthcare managers in France?

The Urgent Need for⁤ Reform: Attracting and Supporting Healthcare Managers in France

The Union of Public Health⁤ Managers (SMPS) ⁤has sounded the alarm on the lack of attractiveness and grueling working conditions of healthcare managers, which is exemplified by a disappointingly low number of candidates. ‍This⁢ issue poses a significant risk to the ⁣functioning of healthcare ‌establishments and ‍training institutes. In this‌ article, we⁣ will delve into the challenges faced by healthcare managers, the need for‍ reform, and the necessary steps to ensure the ‌attractiveness and ‍sustainability of this critical profession.

The‌ Unattractive Reality of Healthcare Management

The SMPS has repeatedly highlighted the lack of appeal of ⁤the healthcare manager profession, which is reflected in the low number of candidates. ⁣This trend is concerning, as it translates‍ to a shortage of qualified professionals who can take on leadership roles in ‍healthcare establishments and training institutes. The poor working​ conditions, inadequate remuneration, and lack of support for young graduates are major deterrents for ⁢individuals ⁢considering a career⁣ in⁤ healthcare management.

The Struggle of‍ Young Healthcare Managers

The journey to becoming a ​healthcare manager is long and arduous.​ After​ graduation, young​ professionals face a daunting task ⁣of navigating different competition procedures in various establishments, which can take several months. A survey conducted by the SMPS in 2021 ‌revealed a glaring lack ​of support for young⁤ graduates in their first managerial ​steps. They are often left to their⁤ own devices, without guidance ⁣or mentorship, in positions that they may not be fully prepared for.

The‌ Risks⁤ of Inaction

The ⁢combination of⁣ unattractive working conditions and a lack of support for ⁢healthcare managers poses ⁣a significant risk to the functioning ‌of healthcare establishments and training institutes. If left⁣ unaddressed,⁣ this trend can lead to a shortage of qualified professionals, compromising the‌ quality of ‍care and services provided to patients.

The Need for Reform and Revaluation

To address these concerns, the SMPS is​ calling for a comprehensive reform of the training framework for ⁣healthcare managers. This includes the co-construction and formalization of prior training, salary compensation, and mentoring by an identified peer. It is essential to recognize the ‌value of healthcare managers ​and provide them with the necessary support and resources to thrive ‍in their roles.

Reforming the‌ IFCS Training Framework

The IFCS training ⁣framework, which will celebrate its 30th anniversary in 2024, is ‌in dire need ​of an update. The SMPS is campaigning for a review of the framework to ​ensure that it meets the evolving needs of healthcare establishments and ‌training institutes. This reform must prioritize the attractiveness and sustainability of the healthcare manager profession.


The lack of attractiveness and grueling working conditions of healthcare managers is a pressing concern that requires immediate attention. The SMPS ‍is committed to campaigning tirelessly to​ ensure that the working conditions‌ and remuneration⁣ of managers and trainers are properly reviewed in light of their responsibilities in the field. It‍ is crucial that we work together to promote the understanding of the⁣ managerial exercise, ⁢provide necessary support to young graduates, and reform the training framework to ensure the sustainability of the healthcare manager profession.

Keywords: healthcare managers, attractiveness, working conditions,‍ remuneration, reform, ⁢SMPS, IFCS,​ training framework, France.

Optimized subheadings:

The lack of attractiveness of healthcare management

The struggle of young healthcare ‍managers

The⁤ risks of inaction

The need for reform and revaluation

Reforming the IFCS⁣ training framework


What are the primary challenges that healthcare managers face in France?

The Urgent Need for Reform: Attracting and Supporting Healthcare Managers in France

The Union of Public Health Managers (SMPS) has sounded the alarm on the lack of attractiveness and grueling working conditions of healthcare managers, which is exemplified by a disappointingly low number of



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