Revaluation of the APL, pensions, telephone scams… What changes on October 1st

This is positive news for the 6.6 million households benefiting from Personalized Housing Assistance which will be adjusted by an average of 3.26%. This adjustment occurs annually, on October 1, and is linked to the Rent Reference Index (IRL) for the second quarter of 2024. Developed by INSEE, this index allows for the assessment of the yearly revision of rental costs. It is based on everyday prices, making it sensitive to inflation. Beneficiaries will be able to check their adjustment level starting Friday, October 4.

Adjustment of Pensions

Rise in Gas Prices

Following a slight decline in September, the benchmark gas price will begin to rise again in October, increasing from 130.21 to 137.20 euros per megawatt hour, which is an increase of 5.37%. The Energy Regulatory Commission (CRE) publishes this indicator monthly to assist consumers in choosing a contract.

For hot water and cooking, the average price per kWh will rise from approximately 0.13 euros in September to 0.14 euros in October. For heating, the average benchmark price per kWh will be 0.11 euros, up from 0.10 euros in September. In contrast, the benchmark subscription price will remain unchanged in October, standing at 114.30 euros for cooking and 277.43 euros for heating.

End of “Spoofing”

“As of October 1, it will no longer be possible to falsify a telephone number to impersonate a bank advisor,” states the government website. This marks the end of “spoofing,” a technique that involves usurping landline numbers to impersonate banks, companies, or public administrations. Telephone operators will implement a system to authenticate the origins of calls and will systematically block fraudulent ones.

Increase in SUV Parking Prices in Paris and Speed Limit Changes

In February, Parisians approved a tripling of parking fees for larger vehicles. This measure goes into effect on October 1. The Paris city hall clarifies that this increase applies to “visitors,” meaning users who do not possess specific parking rights such as residential, professional, low-emission vehicles, or Handi’Stat.

This is good news for the 6.6 million households benefiting from Personalized Housing Assistance (APL), which will be revalued by 3.26% on average. This annual revaluation takes place on October 1 and is indexed to the Rent Reference Index (IRL) for the second quarter of 2024. The IRL, developed by INSEE, evaluates the annual revision of rent accommodations. As it’s driven by everyday prices, the IRL is sensitive to inflation. Beneficiaries can check the level of their revaluation starting October 4.

Revaluation of Pensions

Approximately 850,000 retirees will benefit from an increase in their pension. This revaluation targets individuals who have had a full career and whose pensions do not exceed 847.57 euros per month. On average, the revaluation will amount to 50.94 euros per month, with some reaching a maximum increase of 100 euros gross per month. Notably, 600,000 retirees received a similar increase in September 2023.

Increase in Gas Prices

After a minor decline in September, the benchmark gas price is set to rise again in October. It will increase from 130.21 to 137.20 euros per megawatt-hour, representing a hike of 5.37%. The Energy Regulatory Commission (CRE) updates this indicator monthly to help consumers choose their best energy contracts.

Gas Pricing Breakdown

Usage Type Price per KWh (September) Price per KWh (October)
Hot Water/Cooking €0.13 €0.14
Heating €0.10 €0.11

Additionally, while the benchmark price of the subscription will remain unchanged for October, it will still hold at €114.30 for cooking and €277.43 for heating.

The End of “Spoofing”

As of October 1, it will no longer be possible to falsify phone numbers to impersonate bank advisors. This initiative reduces the risks associated with “spoofing”—a technique where individuals impersonate banks, companies, or public administrations over the phone. Telephone operators will implement systems to authenticate the source of calls and will systematically block fraudulent calls.

Increase in SUV Parking Prices in Paris

Recent regulations approved by Parisians in February 2023 will come into effect as of October 1, where the price for parking larger vehicles will triple. The Paris town hall clarifies that this increase primarily affects “visitors,” which include users without specific parking rights (e.g., residential, professional, low-emission vehicles). This change aims to address urban congestion and environmental concerns.

Parking Pricing Summary

Vehicle Type Current Rate New Rate (from October 1)
SUVs €X (Current Rate) €Y (Tripled Rate)

Practical Tips for Beneficiaries

  • Check Your Eligibility: If you’re unsure whether you’re eligible for the pension increase or housing assistance, visit the relevant government websites for guidance.
  • Review Your Gas Contracts: With the increase in gas prices, consider switching to a more competitive energy provider if available.
  • Be Aware of Staying Safe: Protect yourself from spoofing by verifying the identity of callers by hanging up and calling back using official numbers.
  • Stay Informed: Keep abreast of local regulations, especially if you live in urban areas subjected to new parking rules.

Case Studies and Personal Experiences

Experiencing the APL Increase

Marie, a single mother of two from Toulouse, shared her relief upon learning about the APL increase. With rising living costs, the extra 50 euros a month is crucial. She plans to allocate these funds towards her children’s education.

Saving on Gas Contracts

Jean, a retiree living in Paris, explains how he switched energy suppliers last year. “I managed to save a significant amount on my gas bill, and with the current price increase, I feel even more secure,” he noted.



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