Returning to the screen .. Egyptian artists respond to the question of “alienation”

Mohsen Mohieldin.. restore the luster

The artist, Mohsen Mohie El-Din, represents a special case of attention, after he regained his luster during the recent periods, after leaving the art scene for years, and catching the public’s attention by returning with more than one work, especially through his role in the series "A bird between us, my heart" which is currently displayed.
Discovered by the late director Youssef Shaheenand nicknamed "the spoiled boy" the lash

  • Among his most famous works: "Alexandria why?" And"Egyptian horse" With Youssef Chahine.
  • He has moved away from art since 1991 after a movie "playing with the devil".
  • He returned to acting in 2014 through my series "time difference" And"pleading".
  • Participate in the series "calm moon" in the year 2019.
  • His most recent work is a series "A bird between us, my heart"Starring Reem Mostafa.

Mohieddin monitors, in his interview with the site "Sky News Arabia" From his own perspective, the change in the drama, indicating that this "The big change" In terms of the ideas presented, as well as art as an industry, it has become more commercial than the goal of conveying a message to society.

Professionalism made me fit in the middle

Mohieldin, 63, says to "Sky News Arabia": "Despite the changes, professionalism made me adapt to the current art makers, but we lack the spirit of creativity in the ideas of the dramatic plot now".

The Egyptian artist highlights a problem "tradition" The Egyptianization of foreign businesses, pointing out at the same time that some jobs are not prepared properly, and do not take enough time to write in the required manner, compared to"The drama of time".

I feel sad about the drama

And the artist Mohsen Mohieldin continues: "Now sometimes the process of writing drama is done episode by episode during filming.. This makes me feel upset and sad; Because I entered the work while I do not know the number of my viewers, my entire role and its developments in the work, and at other times some works start filming with only five written episodes, and at the present time, if I find a work in which filming began after writing 15 episodes, this is an achievement!".

Samah Anwar..Back in the spirit of youth

Actress Samah Anwar, returning to the small screen after a period of absence, through the series "Tonight and the one in it"She says this work "One of the best roles I’ve been offered over the past 20 years"explaining that she refused many jobs so as not to "She insults herself and her career".

  • Samah Anwar is an Egyptian actress and director, born in 1965.
  • She is famous for her movement "And the tomboy".
  • One of her most famous series "mountain wolves" In the year 1993, in which she played a role "flower".
  • Among her most famous works in cinema are: "very naughty girl" And"honey night" And"The two prisoners".

I deal with art in an amateurish spirit

Samah Anwar said when she spoke to the site "Sky News Arabia" She did not separate from art for a long time, but she "It deals with the profession in the spirit of amateurs and professionalism in choosing the appropriate roles, and not just being on the artistic scene".

and translation: "I do not like to participate in a work of art as long as I do not like its idea, as I cannot implement something that I do not like .. This is my approach since I started acting".

Art is not a message!

While she drew attention to the number of changes that have occurred in the art world, she stresses the necessity of "Adapting with the times"saying: "There is no era like the one before it..thinking about going back to the past generates backwardness in society..we have to work on developing ideas on an ongoing basis.".

Actress Samah Anwar believes that "Art is not a message, as some say.. Art always has a commercial purpose. It is an industry that has conditions, supply, and demand, and the means of art is only to encourage creativity, not education.".

Art is medicine..and this is a role "censorship"

In the imagination of the artist Alaa Morsi, who returns to the drama through the character of Taha in the series "Tonight and the one in it"the "The method of preparing the artistic drama has changed a lot due to the change of time".

He added: "Art has become like medicine and a tool to describe reality in a different dramatic form, but there must be oversight and officials to properly give this medicine to the public.".

  • Alaa Morsi is a comedian, born on July 3, 1965.
  • From the generation of the late Alaa Wali Al-Din, Mohamed Henedy, Ahmed Adam and Ashraf Abdel Baqi.

I didn’t feel alienated

And about his return through the character of Taha in the series "Tonight and the one in it"Morsi says to the site "Sky News Arabia" This return is a radical change in his artwork, stressing that he did not feel alienated from art, "But he was waiting for the right role to come back in a different way".

He points out that the current drama is, of course, different from "The drama of time"explaining that this difference does not stop only at "basic themes"Rather, it extends to tools such as: the subtraction method, and the various techniques associated with the development of the industry itself.

Western: "Change happens every once in a while; A change in the style of writing, directing, acting, sound, theater and technology, a difference in vision, formatting, and other differences in the industry.".


What feelings do the old artists have when they come back? Do they feel alienated with the wide range of variables that have occurred in the artistic arena, whether in terms of technical development and even the development of “forms”, artistic styles and even “themes” in some cases?

How do they see the differences between the new drama and its old counterpart, in which they starred so many years ago? Were they able to adapt to the “new spirit”?

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Mohsen Mohieldin.. restore the luster

The artist, Mohsen Mohie El-Din, represents a special case of attention, after he regained his luster during the recent periods, after being away from the artistic scene for years, and caught the public’s attention by returning with more than one work, especially through his role in the series “Tir Bina Ya My Heart”, which is currently being shown. .
Discovered by the late director Youssef ChahineHe was nicknamed “The Spoiled Boy” by Shaheen.

  • Among his most famous works are: “Alexandria Les” and “Egyptian Story” with Youssef Chahine.
  • He moved away from art since 1991 after the movie “Playing with the Devil”.
  • He returned to acting in 2014 through the series “Team difference” and “Al-Murafa’a”.
  • He participated in the series “Qamar Hadi” in the year 2019.
  • His most recent work is the series “Tir Bina Ya My Heart”, starring Reem Mostafa.

In his interview with “Sky News Arabia”, Mohieddin monitors from his own perspective the change in the drama, noting that this “big change” was in terms of the ideas presented, as well as art as an industry, as it has become more commercial than the goal of conveying a message to society. .

Professionalism made me fit in the middle

Mohie El-Din, 63, told Sky News Arabia: “Despite the changes, professionalism made me adapt to the current art makers, but we lack the creativity in the ideas of the dramatic plot now.”

The Egyptian artist highlights the problem of “imitation” and the Egyptianization of foreign works, noting at the same time that some works are not prepared properly, and do not take enough time to write as required, compared to the “drama of time”.

I feel sad about the drama

And the artist Mohsen Mohie El-Din continues: “Now sometimes the process of writing a dramatic work takes place episode by episode during filming… This makes me feel annoyed and sad, because I entered the work while I do not know the number of my viewers, my entire role and its developments in the work, and at other times some works start filming with five episodes. Only written, and at the moment, if you find a job that started shooting after writing 15 episodes, that’s an achievement!”

Samah Anwar..Back in the spirit of youth

The artist, Samah Anwar, who returns to the small screen after a period of absence, through the series “The Night and the One in It”, says that this work is “one of the best roles that she has been offered during the past 20 years,” explaining that she refused many works so as not to “humiliate herself and her artistic career.” “.

  • Samah Anwar is an Egyptian actress and director, born in 1965.
  • She is best known for her “Tomboy Girl” movement.
  • One of her most famous series was “Wolves of the Mountain” in 1993, in which she played the role of “Warda”.
  • Among her most famous works in the cinema are: “Bint Jada Gadagha”, “Laylat Asal” and “The Two Prisoners”.

I deal with art in an amateurish spirit

Samah Anwar, when speaking with “Sky News Arabia”, indicated that she has not separated from art for a long time, but she “deals with the profession in the spirit of amateurism and professionalism in choosing the appropriate roles, and not just being on the artistic scene.”

And she added, “I do not like to participate in a work of art as long as I do not like its idea. I cannot implement something that I do not like. This is my approach since I started acting.”

Art is not a message!

Pointing to the changes that have occurred in the art world, she stresses the necessity of “adapting with the era and keeping pace with it,” saying: “There is no era similar to the one before it… thinking about going back to the past generates underdevelopment in society… We have to work on developing ideas continuously. “.

Artist Samah Anwar believes that “art is not a message, as some say… Art always has a commercial purpose, as it is an industry that has conditions, offer and demand, and the means of art is only to encourage creativity, not education.”

Art is medicine..and this is the role of “censorship”

In the perception of the artist Alaa Morsi, who returns to the drama through the character of Taha in the series “The Night and the Night in It”, “the method of preparing the artistic drama has changed a lot due to the change of times.”

He added, “Art has become like medicine and a tool to describe reality in a different dramatic form, but there must be oversight and officials to properly give this medicine to the public.”

  • Alaa Morsi is a comedian, born on July 3, 1965.
  • From the generation of the late Alaa Wali Al-Din, Mohamed Henedy, Ahmed Adam and Ashraf Abdel Baqi.

I didn’t feel alienated

Regarding his return through Taha’s character in the series “The Night and the One in It”, Morsi told “Sky News Arabia” that this return is a radical change in his artwork, stressing that he did not feel alienated from art, “but he was waiting for the appropriate role to return in a different way.”

He points out that the current drama has, of course, become different from the “time drama”, explaining that this difference does not stop only at the “basic themes”, but extends to tools such as: the subtraction method, and the various techniques associated with the development of the industry itself.

And he continues: “Change occurs every period; a change in the style of writing, directing, acting, sound, theater and technology, and a difference in vision, formats, and other differences that occurred in the industry.”

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