“Retired General James Marks Discusses Russian Drone Attack on Kremlin in CNN Exclusive”

2023-05-04 04:37:43

New York, USA (CNN) – CNN’s military expert, Major General (retired) James Marks, commented on what the Russian presidency considered an “attempt to assassinate Putin” after the drone attack on the residential wing of the Kremlin.

“There are a number of questions that arise, about 500 miles from Kiev to Moscow, let’s say those drones were launched from Ukraine,” Marks said. “We certainly don’t know that, but it tells you a lot about Russian air defense capabilities if you have drones.” A pilot was on her way to Moscow and was able to reach the city…”

He continued, “Another assumption and another question that emerges from all this, was this a strike to kill? Or was it a mass strike? Were they looking for more intelligence? Or were they really trying to track down and make an attempt to cut off Putin’s head? There are a lot of questions that come from all of this.”

He added, “It is clear that this will lead to an escalation on the part of the Russians, and the possibility of using nuclear weapons, and this is very dangerous .. This individual (Putin) can, if he feels threatened, use nuclear weapons, and it will be easy for him to use those nuclear weapons if it is verified.” Whether the target of the strike (to assassinate Putin) is correct, or if the Russians confirm it.”

#Attempt #assassinate #Putin. #military #expert #highlights #CNN #hypotheses #targeting #Kremlin

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