Retina could help doctors diagnose Alzheimer’s earlier

Employees of the American medical center Cedars-Sinai have discovered a method for the early diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease. The retina of the eye can tell about the diagnosis before the first signs appear.

Scientists analyzed the state of the eyeballs and brain tissue of 86 deceased patients who were diagnosed with cognitive impairment.

According to the portal FoxNewsin patients with Alzheimer’s disease, an excessive amount of beta-amyloid 42 was present in the retina of patients. This is a protein that forms “plaques” that accumulate in the brains of people with this diagnosis.

The authors of the study believe that these findings will help doctors diagnose Alzheimer’s disease more accurately and much earlier. And also to monitor its progression non-invasively by examining the patient’s eyes.

In a new preclinical study, scientists at the Wake Forest University School of Medicine proved that alcohol consumption even in moderate amounts can increase the likelihood of Alzheimer’s disease and accelerate its development in the early stages.

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