Rethinking Urban Mobility: Córdoba’s 20% Taxi License Revival in the Age of Uber

2024-09-11 10:56:51

around 20% of taxi licenses in Córdoba returned”, confirmed Jorge Montes, head of the license holder.

insufficient demand

“It worries and alarms us. Sometimes a lot of badges are returned. I may miss some numbers but We store approximately 800 license plates of for different reasons“, he told Cordoba Telecom.

Of the 4,500, 3,200, 3,300, 20% have to remain operational.Montes said.

He also explained in detail “hThere are a lot of plates in storage, and some have been returned because they don’t want to take them out again..

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“There’s not much we can do to change the course of the license plate issue, more or less,” Montes said.

He then added: “More and more seniors are financially unable to update their apartments and they are tired of being denied this.”

The head of taxi license holders assured that there was a “shameful competition with illegals”, which was not mentioned but was alluded to in travel applications.

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fewer drivers

Driver is not available. Today, the fleet has no more than 1,200 people and only 1,500 of the 4,500 drivers.“, he analyzed.

“Today I was with a holder, he was an old man, and he would ask me how to return the license. He told me: ‘Think about it, this license cost me 38,000 pesos, that’s 38,000 dollars. Today I don’t know if it’s worth $400. People put a value on it,” Montes said.

Therefore, the reduction in travel due to the economic recession, the use of mobile applications such as Uber, and the increase in maintenance costs are among the multiple reasons that affect the return of licenses or deposits.

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Here are PAA (People⁤ Also Ask) related questions for the title: **The Struggling Taxi Industry in Córdoba: Causes and Consequences**

The Struggling Taxi Industry in Córdoba:‌ Causes​ and Consequences

The taxi industry in Córdoba, Argentina,⁤ is facing‌ a significant crisis. Recently, it was reported that around 20% of taxi licenses in Córdoba have been returned, leaving the industry in a state of worry and ⁢alarm [[1]]. But what are ⁣the causes behind this phenomenon, ⁤and what are the consequences for the city’s residents and tourists alike?

Insufficient⁢ Demand

One of the main reasons ‌behind the return of taxi licenses is ‍insufficient demand. According to Jorge Montes, head of the license holder, there are approximately 800 license plates in storage, and some have been returned because‍ the owners do not want to‍ take ​them out again [[1]]. This lack of demand is a ⁢result of various factors, including the rise of ride-hailing apps and​ changing transportation habits.

Fewer Drivers

Another issue affecting the taxi industry‍ in Córdoba is the shortage of drivers. With⁣ a fleet of ⁤no more than 1,200 people, the industry is struggling to keep up with demand [[1]]. This shortage is exacerbated by the fact ‍that many seniors are financially unable to‌ update their apartments and are tired​ of being denied permits.

Shameful Competition with Illegals

The head of taxi license holders ⁤also highlighted the issue of ​”shameful competition with illegals”, ⁢which is alluded⁣ to in⁤ travel applications but‌ not explicitly mentioned [[1]]. This illegal competition is adding to the woes of the already struggling taxi industry.

Impact on Residents and Tourists

The consequences of this crisis are far-reaching. For residents, it means limited options for transportation, making it difficult to get around​ the city. For ⁣tourists,‌ it can be⁤ even more challenging, especially if⁢ they are not ‌familiar with the city⁣ or do not speak the local language.

Getting a Taxi in‌ Córdoba

Despite the challenges facing the taxi industry, there are still ⁢ways to get a taxi in Córdoba. According to Welcome ‌Pickups, there are ⁤two main taxi providers: C.C. Taxis,‌ reachable⁢ at +54 (351) 426 ⁤3795, and Rapi Taxi, which can be contacted at‌ +54 (351) 455 5555 [[2]]. Additionally, Radio Taxi Córdoba ‌offers a fleet of 29 accessible taxis, making it a convenient ⁤option for⁢ passengers with disabilities [[3]].

Fare ⁢Information

For ​those planning to take a taxi in Córdoba, it is essential to know that fares ‍usually range from €3 to €5, depending on traffic and distance [[4]]. Taxi stands are available at various‌ locations throughout the city, making it easy⁤ to hail one.

the taxi industry in Córdoba is facing significant challenges, including insufficient demand, fewer drivers, and ‍competition with illegals. However, there are still ways to get a taxi in the city, and by understanding the fares and ⁣options available, ​residents and tourists can​ navigate⁢ the city with ‌ease.






Here are some People Also Ask (PAA) questions related to the title **”The Struggling Taxi Industry in Córdoba: Causes and Consequences”:**

The Struggling Taxi Industry in Córdoba: Causes and Consequences

Córdoba, a city in Andalucia, Spain, is facing a crisis in its taxi industry. According to Jorge Montes, head of the license holder, around 20% of taxi licenses in Córdoba have been returned [[1]]. This significant decrease raises concerns about the future of the taxi industry in the city.

Insufficient Demand

One of the main reasons for the return of licenses is the insufficient demand for taxi services. With the rise of mobile applications such as Uber, many people are opting for alternative modes of transportation, leading to a decline in the number of passengers for traditional taxis. This decrease in demand has resulted in a significant reduction in the number of operational taxis on the streets of Córdoba.


The head of the license holder, Jorge Montes, expressed his concern about the situation, stating that there is not much that can be done to change the course of the license plate issue [[1]]. He also mentioned that many seniors are financially unable to update their apartments and are tired of being denied this. The “shameful competition with illegals” is another factor that is contributing to the decline of the taxi industry in Córdoba.

Fewer Drivers

Another significant factor contributing to the struggling taxi industry in Córdoba is the lack of drivers. According to Montes, there are only around 1,200 drivers available, compared to the 4,500 licenses issued [[1]]. This shortage of drivers is due to various reasons, including the economic recession, the use of mobile applications, and the increase in maintenance costs.


The consequences of the struggling taxi industry in Córdoba are far-reaching. With fewer taxis on the streets, passengers may need to rely on alternative modes of transportation, which could lead to increased congestion and pollution in the city. Additionally, the decline of the taxi industry could result in job losses for taxi drivers and owners.


While the traditional taxi industry in Córdoba is struggling, there are alternative options available for passengers. Companies like Eurotaxi Córdoba offer personal car services for exclusive transfers with guarantees of safety and comfort [[2]]. Additionally, online platforms like Dispo.Travel allow passengers to book taxi rides online and connect directly with local drivers [[3]].

People Also Ask

Some common questions related to the struggling taxi industry in Córdoba include:

How many taxi licenses have been returned in Córdoba?

What are the main reasons for the decline of the taxi industry in Córdoba?

How can the taxi industry in Córdoba be revitalized?

What alternative transportation options are available in Córdoba?

the taxi industry in Córdoba is facing significant challenges, including insufficient demand, fewer drivers, and increased competition from mobile applications. While there are alternative options available, it is essential to address the root causes of the decline to ensure the survival of the taxi industry in the city.





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