Do the new generations, of patients and healthcare professionals, bear the responsibility for the difficulties encountered by our healthcare system? If the question can be asked, the answer is of little interest. More relevant is that of adapting the system to the evolution of our society and to the current situation in the supply and consumption of care.
Medical demography is insufficient to meet a growing demand for care with the increase in life expectancy and the explosion of chronic diseases. Of which act.
The more numerous paramedics see their field of action constrained in a very medically-centred organization.
And all health professionals, like the majority of the active population, all fields of activity combined, refuse to sacrifice their private, family life, their leisure time on the altar of blind devotion to their profession. Completely audible.
Support along the way
In front of them, millions of increasingly informed patients, who claim to be treated as well as possible. To be reassured, too, and accompanied in their troubled journey through illness. Which is perfectly understandable.
But the question of supply and demand immediately arises. Today in France, demand is spiraling out of control. Or almost. Some regulatory measures have indeed been taken, such as the coordinated care pathway, medical deductibles or flat-rate contributions of 1 euro on doctor consultations. But they were ineffective. Worse. They had perverse effects by generating in fine a deterioration in the state of health of the poorest and therefore more costs in the long term.
Redefine roles
Regarding the medical offer, with the abolition of the famous numerus clausus, the State has “undertaken” to increase it significantly. Everyone agrees today that it was window dressing.
So what do we do? This is the question that was asked to the members of the Côte d’Azur Santé Var gathered on May 25 around the theme: “Other modes of exercise, other uses: is our health system adapted to new generations of professionals? and patients?”. And these actors in the field, as close as possible to supply and demand, were able to propose solutions. Like that of completely rethinking the system by redefining the role of each actor. By entrusting the doctor with full responsibility for the diagnosis and the approach to be implemented to treat the disease. A mission commensurate with the knowledge and experience acquired during his very long years of training. And by redistributing support cards: nurses, physiotherapists, adapted physical activity teachers, pharmacists, speech therapists… oil in the cogs of a system that only creaks, and above all it would make the patient’s journey more fluid.
The framework for these activities remains to be defined. Review compensation levels in light of these new responsibilities. But we can already bet that in the long term, the State will be a winner.
It is an important impetus to the reflection that the members have given. Hoping she makes it to the top.