Rethinking Global Security: The BRICS and BRICS+ Summit’s Approach to Sovereignty in a Fractured World

This statement came during the plenary session of the meeting of high-level representatives responsible for security issues of the BRICS and BRICS+ countries, which was held in St. Petersburg on Wednesday.

“A number of Western countries are imposing the so-called rules-based order on the international community, and the process of the emergence of such rules contradicts the essence of international law and separates its foundations. Such an erosion of the entire international security system poses a threat to sovereign states,” Shoigu said in his welcoming remarks at the opening of the meeting.

Other notable statements made by Shoigu during the meeting include:

  • Shoigu: BRICS countries are able to jointly make a serious contribution to ensuring global security and combating threats such as terrorism, the spread of extremist activities, transnational crime, and the use of information and communication technologies for criminal purposes
  • Shoigu: We are already actively cooperating in all these areas and the potential of this cooperation is far from exhausted.
  • Shoigu: BRICS represents a third of the world’s GDP, more than the G7 countries. The share of BRICS countries in world trade is more than 20%, and our countries also play a pivotal role in ensuring security in the Asia-Pacific, Africa, Latin America and the Middle East regions.
  • BRICS cooperation with the countries of the Global South is now more necessary than ever, as it contributes to uniting the ranks of the global majority.

Earlier, Shoigu said that the agenda of the meeting of BRICS security officials in St. Petersburg would include discussion of initiatives related to Ukraine.

Source: RT

#Shoigu #opens #security #meeting #BRICS #BRICS #representatives #Erosion #international #security #system #threatens #sovereign #states
2024-09-12 00:51:56

Brics benefits

BRICS​ Countries Focus on Strengthening Security Cooperation Amid Global Threats

In a ⁢significant‌ development, the BRICS countries, ⁢comprising​ Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South ⁤Africa, have reiterated their ⁣commitment to enhancing security cooperation amidst growing⁣ global threats. The reaffirmation came during a high-level meeting of representatives responsible for security issues of the BRICS ⁣and BRICS+ countries, held in St. Petersburg ‍on Wednesday [[1]].

During the meeting, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu emphasized the importance of security cooperation among BRICS⁤ nations, stating that the potential⁢ for cooperation is far from exhausted ⁤ [[1]]. This ​echoes the ​sentiments expressed ‌during a separate meeting ‍where BRICS countries discussed initiatives on Ukraine, highlighting the ⁤bloc’s growing relevance in addressing key regional ​and global security concerns [[2]].

Shoigu’s ⁣remarks were significant,​ as he slammed Western countries‍ for imposing a rules-based order that contradicts international law​ and⁤ poses a threat to sovereign ​states. He argued that the erosion of the international security system poses a threat to sovereign ​states, underscoring the need for BRICS countries to work‍ together to address ⁣these challenges [[1]].

The Russian ⁣Defense Minister also‌ highlighted the collective strength of BRICS countries, noting that they represent ⁣a ​third of the world’s GDP, more than the ‌G7⁢ countries, ‍and have a significant presence in global trade, ‍with a share of over 20% ⁢ [[1]]. This⁣ economic clout, combined with their ⁣growing political influence, ⁤positions the BRICS bloc as a key player⁣ in​ shaping the global security landscape.

In addition to Shoigu’s remarks, the meeting saw‌ China promote “rational” voices on Ukraine ceasefire, with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi calling for a joint effort towards peace ⁤ [[3]]. This development‌ highlights ⁣the growing convergence ​of interests among ⁣BRICS countries⁣ on key regional and global ⁤issues.

The BRICS countries​ have been actively cooperating in various areas, including combating terrorism, the spread of extremist activities, transnational crime, and ‍the use of information ‍and communication technologies for​ criminal purposes [[1]]. By ‌strengthening their security cooperation, the BRICS bloc aims to make a serious contribution to ⁤ensuring global security and addressing⁢ emerging threats.

As⁢ the world grapples with complex security challenges, the BRICS countries are increasingly recognized as a vital force in ‌promoting global stability and peace. ⁤The latest meeting of high-level representatives responsible for security issues underscores the bloc’s commitment ⁣to strengthening cooperation and addressing shared ⁣security concerns.

the BRICS countries’ focus on security cooperation is⁤ a significant development in the global security landscape. As they work together to⁢ address emerging threats and challenges, they ⁣are ⁤poised to play an increasingly important role‍ in shaping the⁣ future of global security and stability.

BRICS currency

BRICS Countries Focus on Strengthening Security Cooperation Amid Global Threats

In a significant development, the BRICS countries, comprising Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, have reiterated their commitment to enhancing security cooperation amidst growing global threats. The reaffirmation came during a high-level meeting of representatives responsible for security issues of the BRICS and BRICS+ countries, held in St. Petersburg on Wednesday [[1]].

During the meeting, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu emphasized the importance of security cooperation among BRICS nations, stating that the potential for cooperation is far from exhausted [[1]]. This echoes the sentiments expressed during a separate meeting where BRICS countries discussed initiatives on Ukraine, highlighting the bloc’s growing relevance in addressing key regional and global security concerns [[2]].

Shoigu’s remarks were significant, as he slammed Western countries for imposing a rules-based order that contradicts international law and poses a threat to sovereign states. He argued that the erosion of the international security system poses a threat to sovereign states, underscoring the need for BRICS countries to work together to address these challenges [[1]].

The Russian Defense Minister also highlighted the collective strength of BRICS countries, noting that they represent a third of the world’s GDP, more than the G7 countries, and have a significant presence in global trade, with a share of over 20% [[1]]. This economic clout, combined with their growing political influence, positions the BRICS bloc as a key player in shaping the global security landscape.

In addition to Shoigu’s remarks, the meeting saw China promote “rational” voices on Ukraine ceasefire, with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi calling for a joint effort towards peace [[3]]. This development highlights the growing convergence of interests among BRICS countries on key regional and global issues.

The BRICS countries have been actively cooperating in various areas, including combating terrorism, the spread of extremist activities, transnational crime, and the use of information and communication technologies for criminal purposes [[1]]. By strengthening their security cooperation, the BRICS bloc aims to make a serious contribution to ensuring global security and addressing emerging threats.

As the world grapples with complex security challenges, the BRICS countries’ commitment to enhancing security cooperation is crucial in promoting global stability and security. With their collective economic and political influence, the BRICS bloc is well-positioned to play a key role in shaping the global security landscape and addressing emerging threats.

In the context of global governance, the BRICS countries are firmly committed to multilateral diplomacy, with the United Nations playing a pivotal role in dealing with global threats [[4]]. The BRICS bloc’s growing influence in global affairs is evident in their increasing presence in international organizations and their ability to mobilize resources and expertise to address global challenges.

The BRICS countries’ focus on strengthening security cooperation is also reflective of their commitment to promoting economic development and cooperation. The BRICS bloc represents a significant portion of global trade and investment, and their economic cooperation is crucial in promoting sustainable development and addressing global economic challenges.

the BRICS countries’ commitment to enhancing security cooperation is a significant development in promoting global stability and security. As the world grapples with complex security challenges, the BRICS bloc’s collective strength and influence position them as a key player in shaping the global security landscape and addressing emerging threats.


[[1]]RT. (2024). Shoigu opens security meeting of BRICS countries.

[[2]]The BRICs Superpower Challenge: Foreign and Security Analysis. (n.d.). Amazon.

[[3]]Xinhua. (2024). China advocates BRICS enhancing counter-terrorism, cybersecurity cooperation.

[[4]]Lodgaard, S. (n.d.). Chapter 3 BRICS, Security Policy and Energy. JSTOR.



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