Resuming Operations: Patrouille Suisse F-5 Tiger Aircraft Back in Flight After Near-Accident

2023-06-23 08:40:00

A good week after the near-accident in the Baar (ZG) area, the Swiss aerobatic team Patrouille Suisse is gradually resuming operations. The experts responsible had previously released the Patrouille Suisse F-5 Tiger aircraft for flight operations again, the Swiss said army with. An exception to this are the two aircraft that were damaged in the incident.

The first flight finds one communication reportedly took place in the air force training room at high altitude in the afternoon and has been agreed with the military judiciary. The fighter jets will therefore take off from the military airfield in Emmen (LU).

“This gradual resumption of flight operations will take place after the examining magistrate, the Military Aviation Authority and the Air Force Commander, after hearing the technical expert, have released the Patrouille Suisse F-5 Tiger aircraft for flight operations,” the statement said further. It is currently still unclear when the Patrouille Suisse will fly again in flight demonstrations.

Plane nose fell into house facade

Last Thursday, two Patrouille Suisse aircraft touched each other in the Baar (ZG) area. You were on a training flight for the Federal Yodelling Festival in Zug. A jet’s nose broke off after being touched.

Caption: Patrouille Suisse has been flying F-5 Tiger combat aircraft since 1995. The aerobatic team was founded in 1964 and shows their maneuvers in association flights. KEYSTONE/Marcel Bieri

The debris then crashed into the facade of a building belonging to the Glencore commodities company. The impact shattered windows and one person in the building was slightly injured by splinters. The pilots of both machines were not injured. The air show planned for Friday over Lake Zug was then canceled.

The Federal Department of Defence, Civil Protection and Sport (DDPS) announced that investigations into the incident are ongoing.

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