Restrictions on Afghan Women: Taliban’s Ban on National Park Visits

2023-09-09 10:55:58

Afghanistan’s Band-e-Amir National Park is famous for employing the country’s first female park rangers. The National Park, which was once staffed by female watchers and rangers, has no female staff today.

The Taliban regime has denied women even permission to visit this national park.

The Afghan government has announced that women will no longer be able to visit a popular park located in central Bamiyan province, one of the country’s poorest and most underdeveloped regions. Established in 2019 by the local Afghan government in collaboration with several international agencies, including the United Nations Development Program, the park is an oasis of blue lakes surrounded by mountains. With the beginning of the Taliban rule, the freedom of Afghan women is limited to mere words. Homes have become prisons for women and girls. The Taliban are now imposing more restrictions on public spaces, denying girls and women access to education, employment and free movement.

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Bamiyan province was the scene of horrific massacres during the civil war of the 1990s and the subsequent rise of the Taliban. It was also the center of a Buddhist civilization that flourished in the 4th and 5th centuries. But in March 2001, the Taliban destroyed two large Buddhist statues in Bamiyan that had stood undamaged for more than 1,500 years, saying they were idols that violated the Islamic faith. Since retaking control of the country in August 2021, the Taliban have resumed efforts to confine women to their homes, banning them from most work and education. The new regulation comes almost a month following women were banned from beauty salons.

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According to a UN report released in June, the Taliban has banned women from working in most areas outside the home in Afghanistan. Going to parks and gyms is also prohibited. Women’s lives in Afghanistan are under severe restrictions by the Taliban, such as wearing loose black clothing that covers the face, not leaving the house without a reason, and not being accompanied by a man if you want to leave the house.

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Content Summary: Taliban restricts Afghan women from entering National Park

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