“Piss off”. It is undoubtedly the word of the beginning of the year, in France. Used once morest the unvaccinated by the President of the Republic Emmanuel Macron during an interview in Parisian, the expression aims to force them as much as possible to take the plunge, reducing their likelihood of contracting a severe form of the disease and landing in hospital. The vaccine pass, adopted at first reading Thursday in the Assembly, is the latest illustration. Without necessarily using the same flowery language, many countries are putting down their latest cards to also massively distribute the vaccine among their populations considered to be poorly protected once morest the various variants, including the highly contagious Omicron.
- Austria bets on full obligation, Germany is thinking regarding it
This is the most radical measure: to force the entire eligible population to be vaccinated. The decision was taken in Austria in November, but it should not be effective until February. Concretely, the unvaccinated over 14s, around one million people, are called upon to receive an injection under penalty of fines (up to 7,200 euros).
But will this obligation really see the light of day? Doubts are mounting in the political class in Austria, due to the advent of Omicron. Does this now confer sufficient immunity to absolve himself of this kind of measure? This is notably what the virologist Gérald Gartlehner thinks. A political turnaround should not be ruled out before the end of the month.
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Note that the Germany of the new Chancellor Olaf Scholz also wants to make vaccination compulsory for all. Debates will take place from the end of the month in the Bundestag (Parliament). But a concrete implementation, if it occurs, is not expected before March.
- Italy, Greece, Czech Republic: an obligation targeted towards the elderly
For its part, Italy decided from February 15 to introduce compulsory vaccination for all people over 50 years old. Of this age group, 15% are not immune to the disease by injection. For offenders, the penalty will be financial: up to 600 euros for workers, 100 euros for retirees. Caregivers, teachers and members of the police were already targeted by a similar measure.
Italy followed Greece’s example. The country was one of the first to make vaccination compulsory at the start of the year for all people over 60. The fine is low: 100 euros. But it can be inflicted every month until proof of injection is formulated. Some 500,000 Greeks over the age of 60 are still missing. Finally, the Czech Republic will also force those over 60 to be vaccinated from March 1.
- Restrictions: Europe is converting to the vaccine pass
More broadly, the whole of Europe is putting in place vaccine passes, like the one voted in France on Thursday, which should restrict the access of the unvaccinated to leisure activities, restaurants as well as to several transports (trains , coaches, planes).
Switzerland voted its own at the very end of 2021. The local vaccination pass will come into force in several closed places (sports halls, transport, hotels, etc.) as well as outdoors, in particular on restaurant terraces. . In Sweden, non-vaccinated people will no longer be admitted to theaters, cinemas or even sports halls.
Same pattern in Ireland, Romania, or in the Baltic States, Latvia as well as Estonia or Luxembourg, which has also extended its health pass (including taking a test) to workplaces.
These restrictions do not exempt countries that rely on compulsory vaccination. Thus, Austria, Germany, the Czech Republic, but also Italy and Greece have passes, or equivalents. In Switzerland, Austria and Germany the 2G or 2G + system prevails, which conditions, depending on the location, access to only those vaccinated, or even to those vaccinated with a negative Covid-19 screening.
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With our Belgian neighbors, a vaccination pass is also being considered. Just like the obligation. A report from a special commission dedicated to Covid-19 is expected later this month, in order to take stock of the measures to be taken towards the unvaccinated, who still represent nearly 25% of the total population. Against the grain, Russia has not opted for any of these solutions, preferring mandatory confinement of its unvaccinated over 60 years old.


