Restoring Order: New Measures to Clean Up and Secure the Neighborhood

2023-07-30 13:30:00

A new order comes into effect on Monday. It no longer allows gatherings. One more measure, in a neighborhood under tension. On July 13, it was the scene of a violent settling of scores. Two shots rang out in the neighborhood. A little earlier a knife fight had broken out in the adjacent streets. The municipal authorities say they want to “clean up the neighborhood”.

In practice, the gathering of more than 5 people is now prohibited. Under this decree, the police services can also carry out surveillance activities and systematic checks of both vehicles and their occupants (identity checks) as well as people on the public highway within the perimeter of the station area. Some establishments may also be subject to police raids. This device will last two months (until September 30), before being evaluated and possibly extended.

The objective is clear and assumed: I want to clean the axis of the station from traffic and deploy a policy of harassment with regard to those who have nothing to do in this part of the City”, specifies the mayor Nicolas Martin in a press release. ” These are (strong) measures, but I want to give the police all possible means to restore a normal situation in this neighborhood”.

These new measures are in addition to other measures taken since July 13. The police are more numerous around the station. Some depend on the special intervention group of the Mons police, others are part of the canine brigade. “86 people and 19 vehicles were checked and around ten reports were drawn up”, announces the city of Mons.

#Gatherings #people #banned #months #Mons #station #district



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