Restoration of Democracy: Who will attend the reception at the Presidential Palace – 2024-07-25 00:24:05

The completion of 50 years since July 1974gives a particularly symbolic character this year to the reception for the restoration of the Republic, in the garden of the Presidential Palace.

In addition to the established official guests, they have also been invited by the President of the Republic Katerina Sakellaropoulou, mayors of critical and martyred areas, representatives of Civil Society, distinguished athletes and team leaders who won European trophies, flood victims from Thessaly, people from the field of Letters and Arts, Greeks who have distinguished themselves abroad for their scientific research, but and ordinary citizens who distinguished themselves for their contribution to humanity and moved the whole of Greece with their actions.

In this context, an invitation to attend the reception for the restoration of the Republic, tomorrow, Wednesday, July 24, in the garden of the Presidential Palace, Mayors of regions have received, including critical ones, such as Orestiada, Didymoteicho, Halki and Kasos, and martyrdom, such as Kalavrita, which the President of the Republic has visited in the last two years.

Flood victims from Thessaly, among them the 80-year-old Kostas Tassiopoulos, who saved lives with his boat during the storm, as well as the parents of Erietta, the only one of the 57 victims of the Tempe tragedy whose traces have not been found, as well as burn victims and relatives of victims from the fire in Mati.

The guests this year also include village residents, who voluntarily participated in the efforts to extinguish the fire in Evros and environmental organizations that rescued animals in the forest of Dadia.

Panagiotis and Sotiria Arabatzi from Didymoteicho and Athina Papachristou from Messolonghi, pensioners who made significant donations to hospitals in their area, inspiring with their example.

The list of invitees also includes relatives of victims of the crash in Libya, relatives of pilots who fell in the line of duty, as well as relatives of victims of terrorist attacks.

At the same time, the national football team, which won Euro 2004, and veteran basketball players Nikos Galis and Panagiotis Giannakis have been invited. who won with our national team the European basketball championship in 1987. Also, the captains of the Olympiakos (football) and Panathinaikos (basketball) teams that won European trophies this year (Conference League and EuroLeague), the Olympians Pyrros Dimas and Voula Patoulidou, as well as Veronica Antetokounmpo, mother of Giannis Antetokounmpo.

Special place at the reception for the restoration of the Republic also have people from the field of Culture, who during the period of the junta expressed with their works, the opposition to the dictatorial regime and marked the Postcolonization, as well as bodies with strong social action and contribution to modern society, such as a representative of the telephone company SOS line 15900 for abused women, unaccompanied refugee children, representatives of refugee organizations and Roma students.

On the guest list we also distinguish the family of Efstratia Katika, whose organs, after her death, gave life to four of our fellow human beings.

Manolis Seleggidis and Ilida Dimitra Vavva, who came first in this year’s Panhellenic Examinations, as well as a group of deaf and hard-of-hearing students who were awarded in a start-up entrepreneurship competition, received an invitation.

Also, the representative of the group of architects “Bouluki” who won the Europa Nostra prize for the revitalization of traditional knowledge around building techniques and materials, as well as Greeks who have distinguished themselves abroad for their scientific research.

The large family of Petros Houdala and Ioanna Fotopoulos, accompanied by the vice president of the highest confederation of large children, as well as Ada Stamatatou with her son Giannis, who with her Facebook page “My life with Giannis” is fighting for the rights of children with autism.

Finally, representatives of animal welfare and environmental organizations, Representatives of the National Blood Donation Center, a representative of the street magazine “Shedia”, and also Chefs who cooked at the Presidential Palace for foreign leaders have received an invitation.


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#Restoration #Democracy #attend #reception #Presidential #Palace



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