Restaurants, canteens… Displaying the origin of meat used in processed products is now mandatory

2024-03-09 18:42:33

A government decree now makes it compulsory to display the origin of meat used in prepared meals and processed products for “all commercial and collective catering establishments”.

This decree dated March 4, which entered into force on Thursday, was taken in application of the “EGalim 2” law. This was one of the demands of the angry agricultural sector: more transparency on the origin of products in the face of international competition.

Processed products or meat preparations

In detail, the meats concerned are those coming from bovine, porcine, sheep or poultry species. Indication of origin and provenance is now mandatory when used in “meat products” or “meat preparations”.

Two different names whose outlines are specified in the decree. “Meat products” are processed products, such as nuggets or ham, while “meat preparations” refer to dishes where fresh meat has been mixed with other foodstuffs, additives or condiments, while maintaining its characteristics.

This decree applies to traditional catering establishments, but also those which only offer dishes for delivery or takeaway, like dark kitchens.

An administrative fine of up to 7,500 euros

Mentioning the geographical origin of meat (and eggs) was already mandatory when purchased raw, since 2022.

“Any breach of the provisions of this decree is punishable by an administrative fine the amount of which cannot exceed 1,500 euros for a natural person and 7,500 euros for a legal entity,” specifies the decree, which adds that the information must be provided in a readable, visible and distinct manner, including remotely if it is a delivery.

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