How Negative Emotions Impact Our Health

2024-08-18 21:34:00

Each person has their own personality and opinions about events, distinct from those of others, which can lead to misunderstandings, arguments, and resentment. As writer and philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre pointed out, ‘Hell is other people.’ These differences can not only create tensions in our relationships but also affect our health. How, then, does this emotional phenomenon impact our physical and mental well-being?

Injustice, threats and jealousy create resentment and anger in even the calmest and most balanced person, regardless of age, social status and gender.

The Origins of Resentment: An Emotion Rooted in Childhood

Resentment is a feeling that often begins in childhood. In France, around 30% of parents say they do not always take the time to talk about emotions with their children, according to a study by the Observatoire de la Parentalité in 2022. For example, when another child destroys a drawing in the sand, parents sometimes offer a new doll instead of explaining what happened. However, this way of doing things can isolate the child, who may then be afraid to share his feelings with those close to him.

Thus, resentment becomes a strong feeling that we keep for a long time, and which is difficult to get rid of. According to an INSEE survey in 2021, nearly 25% of adults in France admit to having difficulty expressing their emotions, which is often linked to a childhood marked by a lack of communication about emotions.

Interpersonal Conflicts: A Breeding Ground for Resentment

An unrequited word or love can cause resentment, which develops into anger, which can lead to a desire for revenge, thus increasing problems and difficulties.

The Impact of Resentment on Mental and Physical Health

According to experts, resentment undermines human health and causes great harm to it. Keeping it for a long time can lead to many diseases, including depression, psychological disorders, aggravate chronic diseases and promote the emergence of new diseases, including cancer, especially in older people who already suffer from various chronic diseases.

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