RSV is a very common viral infection in young children. It can be benign (common cold) or give rise to more or less serious complications (bronchiolitis, pneumonia). This virus is very contagious and requires some precautions to prevent its spread. Find out what are its symptoms, the incubation period and the existing treatments.
Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is an RNA virus of the pneumovirus family. RSV infection is very common, as stated in the French infectiology site : 69% of infants under the age of 1 and 95% of children aged 2 have contracted the virus at least once. And recurrences occur in 50% of cases, because the immune system’s response does not prevent a new infection, it only reduces the risk of serious complications. This virus generally rages from late autumn to early spring, with an epidemic character. It is very contagious and therefore spreads quickly, whether in nurseries, siblings or schools. If this infection is often benign, it can be serious in infants under 3 months, premature children, patients with immunodeficiency or chronic disease, and the elderly. RSV is, in fact, one of the deadliest respiratory viruses in young children, specifies Inserm (National Institute of Health and Medical Research).
Symptoms of the virus (…)