Resolving the Dialysis Crisis: Lebanon Debate Unveils Promising Solutions within 48 Hours

2023-09-06 09:26:55

“Lebanese Debate”

Lebanon is currently experiencing major challenges in the health sector, and the dialysis crisis is one of the most prominent of these challenges, which has greatly affected patients who depend on this vital service. Hence, the efforts of the Hospital Owners Syndicate, the Ministry of Health and importers come as a communication bridge aimed at achieving stability and compatibility in order to provide the necessary health care to patients.

In a decisive step towards resolving the dialysis crisis, which negatively affected health care in Lebanon, “Lebanon Debate” learned that the Syndicate of Hospital Owners is taking an effective initiative in cooperation with the Minister of Health in the caretaker government, Firas Al-Abyad, and importers, with the aim of reaching a solution that guarantees the interest of all interested parties, taking into account first and foremost the patients’ interest.

In light of these relentless efforts, “reliable” information indicates that “there is a high possibility of finding a radical solution to this intractable health crisis within the next 48 hours, and pending what will result from the existing discussions, patients are still waiting at the hospital doors for this solution.”

Does he come at their expense financially? Or will it lead to a radical end to their suffering with a solution that satisfies everyone?

#crisis #aggravated.. #solution #light #hours



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