Resolving Condominium Debts and Improving Infrastructure: The Challenges of Renoz

2023-08-09 14:42:00

He has lived in Renoz for 13 years in a charming chalet. This man, who prefers to remain anonymous (we will call him Michel), gives us his analysis of the situation. Between those who do not pay their water and electricity bills and the college of liquidators accused of being thieves by some, it gives a third story full of nuances.

Unlike many residents of the hamlet, Michel has no debts. And yet, like the others, he had to suffer Monday’s power cut because the budget meter ran dry. “I threw out all the contents of my freezer. And since it’s only 16°C inside, I turned on my wood stove… I can’t cook, so I eat cold prepared meals…”

How did we get here ? This is the question that everyone is asking, but the answers vary according to each other. “When I bought in 2013, the notary himself told me that he did not understand the situation of the condominium, explains Michel. I did not pay attention. There was at the time a good atmosphere; people were having parties together. I saw that several people were reselling but I didn’t immediately get the idea…”

climate of terror

Because quickly, the atmosphere changed with the arrival of travellers. “They came from time to time, piling up in small caravans. Some are still there. They are in the minority but reign terror. , they turned everything off and pretended nothing…”

For our interlocutor, these fanatics are only a minority but a minority feared by other residents and the public authorities. “They throw their garbage cans at any time and in bags that are not compliant. In short, the bags were not picked up and remained there for a month. The sanctioning officer of the Commune passed by. She made her investigation by searching the bags. She was able to identify the perpetrators but she was threatened!

Of course, we are told, these inhabitants do not regularly pay their water and electricity bills. But they are not the only ones. “A whole series of people allowed themselves to be influenced and refused to pay their bills on the pretext that the college of liquidators is scamming them, indicates Michel. Ok but, at some point, if they consume electricity, it will be necessary when even pay for it one day… It’s so normal to pay for your electricity.”

Not very professional

Our interlocutor recognizes that the situation is very complex and that all is not white or black. It’s not bad payers versus nice liquidators. Moreover, Michel believes that the latter also have their share of responsibility in a situation that they have left to rot. “It’s clear that they are not doing their job well. 4 years ago, during a meeting, we were told that we had found €11,000 then a few months later, these €11,000 were destroyed. missing once more. It is still not very professional on the part of an accountant and a company auditor. Similarly, Olivier Hamal, the president of the college of liquidators told us in a meeting that to recover money you have to sell plots. Again, it’s not professional since the land they were talking regarding does not belong to the condominium. He who works in real estate and who is the national president of the national union of owners and co-owners should still be aware…”

So how do you get out of the quagmire? That the inhabitants designate a new representative among them to manage the payments, as suggested by the Commune? “No, it’s impossible. We would have to be armed then… The solution, in my opinion, is individual meters. That way, everyone is responsible for their consumption.” In the meantime, while he is in order in his payments, Michel must still pay for the debt of others: “Already a few months ago, when they threatened to cut us off during Christmas, I had paid 600 € which I will never recover. And there, like the others residents, I have to pay €150 to supply the budget meter, knowing that a third of this sum is used to repay the debt of others.”

Current for a few days

This Tuesday morning, while we were meeting Michel, the electricity came back to the Renoz. Indeed, as the mayor had announced to us the day before, the liquidator, Denis Leboutte made a payment to RESA to feed the budget meter. A payment of €2,400 but which will only last a few days. “There are only 8 inhabitants who have paid the €150 claimed, deplores the mayor Frédéric Bertrand. There will therefore still be power cuts if more inhabitants do not pay.”

However, the mayor sees a glimmer on the horizon. “The Commune is going to buy common plots and the car park. We will soon pass the deeds… There will therefore be a sum of €22,000 from which the co-ownership will benefit.” And then with the resumption of the roads, the Commune wants to move forward in the equipment with individual water and electricity meters for each residence . “We are going to launch the specifications and we hope that the site will be done next spring. It will cost the municipality nearly €100,000, but the owners will still have to pay around €3,000 each for their meter”, warns the mayor. .

#Michel #entangled #real #quagmire #Marneffe #paid #bills #deprived #power



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