Resolutions in retreat – opposition: government sets wrong priorities

The results of the government meeting in Mauerbach met with little approval from the opposition. The NEOS saw “no results, only announcements.” In fact, among other things, accelerated UPV procedures, the expansion of renewable energies and the abolition of blocked partial retirement were decided – wrong priorities according to the opposition.

“As important as the expansion of renewable energy may be, people who no longer know how to pay their electricity or gas bills currently have other concerns than buying a photovoltaic system,” said Herbert Kickl, leader of the FPÖ a broadcast. “Nehammer (Chancellor, note), Kogler (Vice-Chancellor, note) and Co” have meanwhile “apparently dived themselves into a parallel universe in which there is no space for people and their problems.” It is necessary to combat everyday problems such as accelerated deportations, an immediate halt to asylum and measures against “the price explosion including record inflation.”SPÖ: Government “inactive” in the health system The SPÖ also has a problem with the government’s priorities. Not a single measure was taken to lower prices. In addition, the government is “inactive” when it comes to care, safeguarding the health system and ensuring the supply of medicines. The urgent expansion of childcare is also being blocked. The presentation of the anti-corruption package was “entered at all”. NEOS Secretary General Douglas Hoyos also criticized: “These were not results, they were – once again – just announcements.” People would rightly expect “that the federal government works and put concrete decisions on the table. Austria urgently needs real reforms – no more reform working groups.” We would “never manage the energy and climate change like this in life.” The Pinken welcomed the abolition of the blocked partial retirement. This is just “an early retirement program for companies.” SPÖ social spokesman Josef Muchitsch, on the other hand, spoke of the “next attack” on “those people who have been toiling for decades and simply can’t do it anymore.” As reported, the turquoise-green coalition has, among other things faster procedures for power plants, the expansion of photovoltaics and biogas and a working group on the shortage of skilled workers. The members also agreed on the new anti-corruption law. What exactly is coming has not been presented for the time being.

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