Resisting Turmoil: Our Commitment to Stability and Truth

“Maybe after all it’s for good what happened, writes, launching into an analysis of the latest stormy developments in the official opposition party, the former strategic planning advisor of the SYRIZA government, Nikos Karanikas.

“They stripped and exposed 163 executives who consider themselves superior to the members and with an act of coup they corrected what they believe to be a party and ideological “mistake” and that’s why they preferred to overthrow Kasselakis and not Mitsotakis,” he writes.

At another point he states: “Perhaps what was done is for the best because this way the world and the members will be separated from the intriguing executives and thus we will make it clear that we chose comrade Stefanos Kasselakis as president because he is not like these intrigue executives, nor of course he is like the anachronists who lost and left”.

Regarding the support for Stefanos Kasselakis, he notes: “We will do it again because we don’t like being wronged and discredited. We will do it again because we do not accept coups or intriguers”.

The post of Nikos Karanikas about the developments in SYRIZA:

Maybe after all what happened is for good. (in 3′)

163 executives who consider themselves superior to the members were stripped and exposed and with a coup act they corrected what they believe was a party and ideological “mistake” and that is why they preferred to overthrow Kasselakis and not Mitsotakis.

They fixed the mistake of allowing ordinary members and friends of the party to pay a registration fee and to elect the party president themselves.

Big mistake to give power to the members because they may end up choosing as it turned out a president who is not compatible with the tastes and habits of the executives of the past.

In politics, the old and the new do not mean age identity. It is a matter of ideas, actions, opinions, mindset and lifestyle.

Perhaps it was for the good that the people know that on the left, in the Syriza PS there is an elite group that considers itself infallible, superior to the people and capable of anything when it came to their existence. They are ruthless when it comes to their power, their property.

They feel superior to the people, because they supposedly want to change the world and how can you change the world if you are like them, so their emotional narrative says that they are superior, more capable and let them be responsible for the multiple defeats.

These executives do not trust the popular direct democratic intervention in the party because they consider that the new members, the people were not and are not firmly with them and did not sign a coexistence agreement with the party apparatus.

The party, for the executives of the intrigue and the past, is the vehicle of self-affirmation, the satisfaction of their self-referential insignificance, and they are unaware that the world is judging them.

Some and some, the working class, consider it capable and correct only when it follows their policy, when it is at the knees of its wise executives who consider themselves as the only representative of socialism, truth and justice.

Perhaps it is for the good that this has been done because in this way the world and the members will be separated from the intriguing executives and in this way we will make it clear that we chose Stefanos Kasselakis as president because he is not like these intrigue executives, nor of course is he like the anachronists who lost and left.

We chose Comrade Kasselakis because he is not one of those who stay to methodize the manipulation of the party, nor is he a factionalist. Fortunately for him and for us, he did not experience partisanship with its intrigues, factional tendencies, and undermining.

We chose him for this pleasant “party vacuum”, his desire to contribute to the strategic and tactical victory of the left against the ND and Mitsotakis and we chose him because he stands by us, the majority of ordinary members, and let there be no same level of trade union rhetoric and party apparatus.

We also chose him for his political character that dares to change when he sees that this is what it takes to serve the common good.

The simple members and the people, the progressive left chose him because he has no dependence on party officials, on capital and the media.

We chose him because he is authentic, popular, uncomplicated with successes and failures.

We choose him because he is better than Mitsotakis and because he can change the party and transform it from a self-referential organization and an anachronistic reproduction machine of yearbook executives, to a modern living organization that will produce policy through narratives and proposals of the world and members, utilizing new technologies, the participatory disposition of friends and members without divisions, sacred totems, permanent leaderships, factions, tendencies and hierarchies.

It’s good what happened

because that way the world knows the ethos and passion for control that these executives have and at the same time that there is also the majority of us, all of us who stood for hours in the heat to elect a president and we will do it again because we choose the future to include and not to split.

We will do it again because we don’t like being wronged and disrespected. We will do it again because we do not accept coups or intriguers.

We will do it in response to ND.

We will do it again for the sake of dignity.

We chose him for the common good.

We are stubborn

#accept #coups #intriguers

Here are some ​People Also Ask (PAA) questions related to ‍the‍ title “Nikos Karanikas:‌ The Former Strategic Planning Advisor of SYRIZA ‌Government​ Speaks ‌Out”:

Nikos Karanikas: The Former Strategic‍ Planning Advisor of SYRIZA Government Speaks Out

Greek politician Nikos Karanikas, the former ⁢strategic planning advisor ‍of the SYRIZA government, has sparked controversy with his recent statements about the latest developments ⁣in the official opposition party. In a⁣ detailed analysis, Karanikas⁣ writes that the events ‍that ⁤have unfolded may ultimately be for the best.

Exposing the​ Intriguers

Karanikas claims⁣ that 163 executives who consider themselves superior ⁢to the ‌members of the party have been stripped and exposed. He believes that this was necessary to correct what​ they believed was a party and ideological “mistake” and that their ⁢actions led to the ⁢overthrow of⁣ Kasselakis and not Mitsotakis [1[1[1[1[1[1[1[1].

The former advisor ‍argues that these executives do not trust ​the ​popular direct democratic intervention in the party, as they consider that the new members ⁤were‌ not⁤ firmly with them ⁤and ⁤did not⁣ sign a coexistence agreement with the​ party ‍apparatus. He characterizes these executives as ruthless when it comes to their power and property, feeling⁢ superior to the people and capable of anything‌ to maintain their⁣ existence.

Support for Stefanos Kasselakis

Karanikas expresses his support⁣ for Stefanos Kasselakis, stating that they⁤ chose him as president because⁤ he is not‍ like the ‌intriguing executives nor the anachronists who lost and left. Kasselakis stands out for his political character,⁣ which dares to change when⁣ necessary to serve the common good. He is authentic, popular, and ​uncomplicated, with no dependence on party ‍officials, ​capital, or the media.

A New Era for SYRIZA

Karanikas envisions a future ‍for SYRIZA where the party⁢ is⁣ transformed from a self-referential organization to a modern living organization that produces policy through narratives and proposals of the world and members. ⁣He believes that ‌this can be⁢ achieved by ⁤utilizing new​ technologies, the⁣ participatory disposition ⁢of friends and members without divisions, ⁣sacred totems, permanent leaderships, factions,‌ tendencies, and hierarchies.

A Controversial Figure

Nikos Karanikas is no ‌stranger to controversy. In 2017, he launched an unprecedented verbal attack on a woman who dared ‍to‌ criticize him on Facebook, sparking widespread outrage [2[2[2[2[2[2[2[2].

A Key Figure in ⁣SYRIZA

Karanikas has been a long-time friend and associate of Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras, ‍and his opinions carry significant weight ‌within the party. In 2014, he was described as a key figure in SYRIZA,​ with the party’s⁢ “comrade-president” label ‍attached to him [3[3[3[3[3[3[3[3].

Nikos⁢ Karanikas’ statements about ⁢the‍ latest developments in SYRIZA have ⁢sparked controversy and⁤ debate. ⁣While⁢ his opinions may be divisive, they reflect a deeper ⁣issue within the party and the Greek political ​landscape as‌ a whole. As the official opposition⁤ party navigates these stormy developments,⁣ Karanikas’ words will undoubtedly be closely watched and analyzed.

What are Nikos Karanikas’s main arguments regarding the recent changes within SYRIZA?

“Maybe after all, it’s for good what happened”: Nikos Karanikas on the latest developments in SYRIZA

Nikos Karanikas, a former strategic planning advisor of the SYRIZA government, has recently written a thought-provoking post on Facebook about the latest stormy developments in the official opposition party. In his post, Karanikas analyzes the situation and raises important questions about the party’s dynamics and ideology.

Karanikas begins by stating that the events that have unfolded may ultimately be for the best. He argues that 163 executives who consider themselves superior to the members were stripped and exposed, and with a coup, they corrected what they believed to be a party and ideological “mistake”. This led to the overthrow of Kasselakis and not Mitsotakis.

The former strategic planning advisor goes on to explain that the mistake was allowing ordinary members and friends of the party to pay a registration fee and elect the party president themselves. This, in his opinion, was a big mistake, as it gave power to the members, who may end up choosing a president who is not compatible with the tastes and habits of the executives of the past.

Karanikas also highlights the significance of the old and the new in politics, noting that it is not a matter of age identity but rather of ideas, actions, opinions, mindset, and lifestyle. He suggests that the people should be aware of the elite group within SYRIZA that considers itself infallible, superior to the people, and capable of anything when it comes to their existence.

Furthermore, Karanikas emphasizes that these executives do not trust popular direct democratic intervention in the party because they believe that the new members and people were not and are not firmly with them and did not sign a coexistence agreement with the party apparatus. He argues that the party, for these executives, is a vehicle of self-affirmation, the satisfaction of their self-referential insignificance, and they are unaware that the world is judging them.

The post also touches on the working class, which, according to Karanikas, considers itself capable and correct only when it follows the policy of the wise executives who consider themselves as the only representative of socialism, truth, and justice.

Karanikas reiterates that perhaps it is for the good that these events have occurred, as they will separate the world and members from the intriguing executives. He believes that this will make it clear that they chose Stefanos Kasselakis as president because he is not like these intrigue executives, nor is he like the anachronists who lost and left.

Who is Nikos Karanikas?

Nikos Karanikas is a Greek politician and activist who has been involved in various capacities with SYRIZA. He has served as a strategic planning advisor to the SYRIZA government and has been a vocal critic of the party’s internal dynamics and ideology [[1]].

In 2013, Karanikas made headlines when he was cleared of desertion charges by a military tribunal in Thessaloniki. He had been a conscientious objector and had refused to serve in the military [[2]]. The European Bureau for Conscientious Objection (EBCO) had condemned his arrest and prosecution, highlighting his activism and membership in the Association of Greek Conscientious Objectors and SYRIZA [[3]].


Nikos Karanikas’s post on Facebook has sparked important discussions about the internal dynamics of SYRIZA and the role of its executives. His analysis highlights the need for a more democratic and inclusive approach within the party, one that values the input of ordinary members and friends. As Greece’s official opposition party, SYRIZA has a responsibility to



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