Resignation of Lawyer Juan Carlos Saife as Private Defender in Femicide Case: Personal Reasons and Controversial Statements

2023-07-05 22:38:53

Lawyer Juan Carlos Saife presented his resignation this Wednesday for “strictly personal” reasons as private defender of the detainee Marcela Acuña, mother of the main defendant in the femicide of Cecilia Strzyzowski, who disappeared on June 1 in Resistencia, Chaco.

“The reasons are strictly personal,” the lawyer explained to Télam this afternoon, who clarified that he will continue to be the defender of Acuña’s husband, Emerenciano Sena, also arrested in the case as a co-perpetrator of the crime.

Saife, a prestigious lawyer from Chaco (Photo: Chaco Day by Day)

In any case, the resignation occurs after two important events. On Tuesday a public letter from Marcela was released in which she assured that she targeted her son for the femicide and said that with her husband Emerenciano Sena they are political prisoners and that there is no proof, that it is all because of the support they always gave to Jorge Capitanich and Cristina Kirchner, since they carried out an unprecedented movement at the national level for social housing and the neighborhood.

Yesterday, the lawyer Saife himself, one of the most recognized in the Chaco, told Cadena 3 that he did not agree with what Marcela said in the letter, that he could not talk about political prisoners because it was not his strategy.

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In turn, this Tuesday Marcelina, Emerenciano’s sister, had two letters confiscated that she tried to leak when she went to visit her brother in jail. In her writings, she told him to put on a show and lower his glucose level to pretend to be sick and get house arrest. The lawyer Osuna, meanwhile, recommended that he leave his current lawyer and stay with him, who claimed to have influence over a guarantee judge. In addition, she asked that she please not open her mouth, since he would harm all three of them.

“This noon I presented the writing of my resignation and that of my partner, now the prosecutor’s team has to accept it and she will look for another lawyer. And until another lawyer accepts the position, or names an official defender, I continue to be her lawyer”, said Saife, who, in turn, reiterated that Sena Sr. “is innocent” of the accusation that the prosecution made against him.

“I have been reading criminal files for forty years and I have some ability to assess the evidence. My opinion is that there is not a single piece of evidence that can associate Emerenciano Sena with death,” he considered.

Report of Juan Federico.

#Marcela #Acuñas #lawyer #resigned #defense #personal #reasons #News

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