2023-10-07 16:35:01
Moments ago, through social networks and calls to the editorial office of the Diario RÍO NEGRO, a group of neighbors warned of the breakage of a gas pipeline which generated alarm and concern in the residents of the Fiske Menuco neighborhood.
According to a resident of the neighborhood, the incident occurred near Posadas Street, on the edge of the Las Lomitas neighborhood. The situation generated concern and several of the citizens decided to self-evacuate.
As reported by the fire team, the personnel He approached the place to assist people and evacuate them preventively.
Apparently, as explained by Diego, a neighbor, a particular machine caused the situation. “Given the magnitude of the situation, everything is cut off,” he explained. He also reported that there were no injuries and no property damage.
«The smell is unbearable. Our heads hurt a lot«exclaimed another of the affected people and added that «no one informed them anything».
#Residents #Roca #evacuated #road #machine #broke #gas #pipeline