The inhabitants of Mocha Island in the Bío Bío region have been without electricity for two days, and for weeks they have been with energy rationing. According to the mayor of Lebu, Cristián Peña, the supply cooperative maintains a million-dollar debt with the oil supplier.
The residents of Isla Mocha, in the Bío Bío region, They have been without electricity for two days.
According to La Radio, the cooperative in charge of the service -which is made up of Mochanos- has a million-dollar debt with the oil supplier.
This has resulted in the fact that they have had energy rationing for several days.
“They have been without electricity for two days and for several weeks with rationing, that is, they had electricity at a certain time of day. The great part of the day without electricity and this is mainly due to a financial problem on the part of the electric cooperative that manages the service in Isla Mocha“, indicated the mayor of Lebu, Cristián Peña.
According to an audiovisual record of an inhabitant of the island, following this power cut, they had to take several things out of the refrigerator that are defrosted.
“Total loss on Isla Mocha due to lack of light and here we are throwing more things. Some have a motor, but it is not enough for a freezer. This is a total loss for us and it is also a sacrifice (…) here we are throwing away our products due to lack of oil in Isla Mocha”, the woman specified.
Provider Lawsuit
“There is a legal claim by one of the cooperative’s suppliers, to whom a huge amount of resources is owed, who supplies oil to the electrical system,” said the mayor of Lebu.
To this he added that “the Regional Government is prevented from delivering the resources until this problem is solved, which has unfortunately led the residents of Isla Mocha to be without electricity, due to mismanagement and lack of financial experience on the part of the cooperative”.
“We hope that this is resolved as soon as possible. The Regional Government is negotiating with the provider to be able to pay a certain amount of resourcesPena pointed out.
He also mentioned that “we as a municipality are going to deliver in an extraordinary way (resources) a solution to the cooperative to make the system work.”
The municipal authority specified that the cooperative’s debt to the supplier is close to one billion pesos.
The mayor also commented that “the system works through a subsidy provided by the Government, and through the payment of energy by the Mochanos themselves. That ensures the financing of the system and that the rate paid by Mochanos is equal to or less than that of the continent.”