Residents of Al-Sharabiyyah.. The Ministry of Interior reveals the details of the scandalous act on the public road

Saturday 31/December/2022 – 10:59 PM

The Ministry of the Interior has revealed the circumstances of the circulation of a video clip on social media, during which a young man and a girl appear to be performing immoral acts on the public road.

An indecent act on a public road

By conducting investigations, it was possible to determine the location of the incident at the Coast Police Department in the Cairo Security Directorate. The young man and the girl were also identified as residents of the Sharabia Police Department. When they were confronted, they acknowledged that they had committed the incident, and legal measures were taken.

Security investigations revealed the incident of the bridge girl and the commission outrage Above the Rawd Al-Farag Bridge in Cairo Governorate, new details about the young man and the girl, after their arrest in the Sahel area in Cairo.

Seizing the bridge girl and committing the indecent act

Investigations revealed that the young man and the minor girl committed the scandalous act, in the secondary school stage, in the second year of secondary school, and it turned out that the young man was named Y.M. Born in 2005, a general secondary student, and that the girl is a year older than the young man, born in 2004 and called N. K.

Investigations showed that the young man and the girl, the perpetrators of the indecent act, confessed immediately after their arrest that they had an emotional relationship with each other, which made them commit the indecent act and exchange kisses and hugs.

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