Resident Evil 4 Remake and Mercenaries: it’s in the old zombies…[test]

2023-04-17 10:58:51

It is considered one of the best installments in the series (and even the best, in our opinion, with RE1) so its return in 2023 was necessarily highly anticipated. Especially after the two previous remakes of the series, with undeniable qualities. Resident Evil 4 is therefore making its comeback on next-generation consoles. Here’s our verdict, as the Mercenaries mode has just been released to players through a free update. Test carried out on the Sony PS5 version of the software.

Resident Evil 4: more than just a remake!

If the fashion is for remakes and remasters, a trend that sometimes exasperates players, some publishers are doing better than others in this area. And clearly, Capcom is one of the good students. Thus, a few weeks after the release of Dead Space Remake (EA), another survival-horror myth returns. Originally released on Gamecube, as a provisional exclusive, Resident Evil 4 convinced the press and players at the time. And for good reason, it was the first opus to leave the corridors in 2D to offer revolutionary 3D gameplay for this series, at that time.

With this new version, the publisher invites us to revisit an ultra-known terrain, brought up to date and enriched with many things. From the outset, we are captivated by the “new-gen” cinematic sequences and by some visual details, once launched into the adventure. Like the vegetation parting as Chris passes, when he makes his way through the woods fatal to his police escort. Of the nicest effect ! Graphically, here too, the developers have worked well to the point that certain environments are almost like new sets. Fewer foggy effects, more clarity, giving the impression of evolving in an open world. Although this is, of course, not the case. The lake and its surroundings, in this regard, particularly impressed us. Nice work!

In addition, the scenario and the role of certain characters have been extensively revised and corrected. The story thus gains in clarity but also in credibility. With profiles/characters of secondary belligerents better exploited, offering them a more singular personality, even endearing. All without ever distorting the original. The balance seems perfect.

RE4 remake offers a more chilling atmosphere than ever…

In addition, Capcom developers have worked hard on the atmosphere, the general atmosphere, darker, more frightening and more in line with current standards. Thus, after the excellent Resident Evil 8, we have the feeling that the publisher has exploited its recent experience, on this last opus, to make RE4 Remake more “powerful”, in terms of intensity and maintaining in suspense. Because, very clearly, this improved version is more scary and stressful than ever but also more gory. Of course, the new generation graphics contribute a lot to this, but so do the lighting effects, the darkness having never been so scary.

In addition, the sound aspect has also been reworked, offering little respite to the player since downtime is rare. And even if the attacks of zombies and other creatures are not permanent, the sound effects suggest that anything can happen, anytime. Thus, frequently, you will be tempted to take a look to the left, to the right or behind you, just to anticipate a possible attack. Deliciously anxiety-provoking!

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What about the gameplay of yesteryear, a little archaic?

However, to give birth to a good remake, so long after, a review of the gameplay facet is essential, even crucial. And Capcom has understood this well. Thus, in addition to this shooting function while walking – which was impossible in the original – the assignment of weapons and objects has gained in intuitiveness. So much so that it is now possible to assign 8 weapons/objects/projectiles! Something that helps to make the adventure more fluid, without breaking the rhythm, especially during massive attacks or during clashes against bosses. Note also the improved capacity of the briefcase, which offers more freedom (less dilemmas) when breaking the bank at the seller.

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re4 remake boss

Also noteworthy is the improved handling during melee combat, with the possibility of finishing off enemies with the press of a button. Although, sometimes the running time can put you in a bad spot. Avoid, therefore, if you find yourself surrounded by a horde. On the other hand, the addition of infiltration actions is a rich idea since it makes it possible to decimate isolated zombies, without rounding up their whole family. On the other hand, it offers a small part of subtlety not devoid of interest.

resident evil 4 ps5

Ada is not there but the President’s daughter has improved

As for the puzzles, some have been redesigned and new side quests are appearing. Without being exciting, they allow you to unearth items and treasures, to sell to the merchant and therefore, to afford more weapons and equipment. Or, to improve his guns. On the other hand, the fans already deplore the absence of Ada, forgotten from the adventure and the Mercenaries mode. But a priori, according to rumors, an update could fix this error soon.

On the other hand, the President’s daughter, she is always there. And combined actions, to climb or reach a particular place. But while these phases were sometimes annoying, due to the lack of vigor of the person concerned, Capcom has simplified things, making the actions simple to perform. It is thus easy to ask him to hide, to step back, to follow you and even to help him up. In this way, the combat phases are no longer an ordeal, with beauty in our hands. Even if it is always necessary to remain on its guard, to avoid its kidnapping.

re 4 remake daughter president

A long adventure and great replayability

Side life, certainly, the investment is worthwhile. In very easy mode, it will take you about twenty hours to overcome it, without lingering. Except that in the remake as in the original, there is something to linger over. Secondary missions, bonuses to find, ultimate difficulty mode to unlock, additional outfits to discover, replayability is almost natural in Resident Evil 4 Remake.

Order Resident Evil 4 Remake from Amazon

Add to that the always very fun mercenary mode and its four playable characters in three distinct levels (including the village!), with a probable upcoming update to gain two more; and we have there a very complete software.

Discover the Mercenaries mode, in the village:

Test published on 04/17/2023 at 12:58 p.m.

#Resident #Evil #Remake #Mercenaries #zombies…test

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