Residency-Mission for Artists: Representing the Work and Life of Camille Claudel

2023-08-03 12:32:17

What is the principle of this call for applications?

Driven by the will of reduce inequalities in access to art and culturethe Agglomeration Community of the Château-Thierry region (CARCT) has set itself the ambitious objective of generalizing artistic and cultural education.

The partners support this contract knowing that they can support it on the collective strength and energy very many local actors artistic and cultural education, whether they are cultural professionals, teachers, facilitators, educators, mediators, social workers, health professionals…

So, the CARCT in close partnership with the Regional Directorate of Cultural Affairs of Hauts-de-France, the delegation of the academic region for artistic and cultural education, the rectorate of the academy of Amiens – academic delegation of the arts and culture and the Departmental Directorate of National Education Services – Aisne, in conjunction with the Regional Council of Hauts-de-France offer this residency-mission in the direction of artists working to represent the work and life of Camille Claudel, offering a renewed look at this creator and contemporary female creation.

The residency period, strictly speaking, is scheduled from February 5 to May 24, 2024. This is a residence of four full, consecutive months, including seventeen weeks of actual presence (i.e. a total of 90 days) to be spread over the period of residence, week of immersion included.

How to participate in the call for applications?

First stage :
Download the call for applications

AAC Claudel.pdf

pdf-752 Ko


Second step :
Send your complete application file to the following address: [email protected]
Subject of the email: Residence “Camille Claudel” // followed by your name

Application deadline: September 10, 2023 last deadline

Announcement of results: end of October, at the latest

The context

These residence-missions for the purposes of artistic and cultural education, throughout life, take place within the framework of the CLEA 100 % EAC of the CARCT and are carried out in favor of the entire population from 0 to 25 years old but with a very particular interest for children, adolescents and young adults living in, students, in training, working or practicing their leisure activities in the agglomeration, thus contributing to the constitution of their course of artistic and cultural education (PEAC).

For any request for additional information:

Claire Standing, coordinator of 100% EAC
06 99 39 46 26
[email protected]

All partners

Agglomeration community of the Château Thierry region, Hauts-de-France regional directorate of cultural affairs, Rectorate of the Amiens academy, Departmental national education services directorate for AisneRegional council of Hauts de FranceDepartmental council of the Aisne
#Residencymission #Camille #Claudel #ChâteauThierry

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