Residence dedicated to cryptomining intervenes in the capital of Alto Paraná

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Asunción, IP Agency.- The intervention was carried out by officials of the National Electricity Administration (ANDE), together with the Public Ministry and the National Police, in a residence located in Area 8 of Ciudad del Este, Alto Paraná.

At the site, it was found that the low-voltage electrical supply was used for cryptomining, which represents an estimated financial loss of G. 126,958,128 for the ANDE.

During the raid presided over by prosecutor Alcides Giménez, the NIS 1839603 supply was verified, which made it possible to verify a direct connection before the meter, hidden in the masonry, through a three-phase system with aluminum conductors from a residence where they were dedicated to crypto mining.

This detected irregularity represents an estimated property damage of Gs. 126,958,128, which must be paid by those responsible along with the costs of intervention and the sanctions provided for in Law No. 966/64.

10 functioning crypto-mining processors, connection conductors and electrical panels were seized from the site and transferred to the Ande warehouse in Ciudad del Este, all at the disposal of the intervening prosecutor.

Likewise, Ande filed a complaint with the Criminal Prosecutor’s Office No. 1 of Ciudad del Este (Case No. 15987/24) for the crime of illegal theft of electrical energy, in accordance with Law No. 7300/2024, which protects the integrity of the electrical system, allows the seizure of assets associated with this crime and modifies article 173 of Law No. 1160/1997 of the Penal Code.

Citizens are reminded that in accordance with Law No. 7300/24, the theft of medium and low voltage electrical energy, as well as its use for activities such as cryptomining, is classified as a crime, with penalties of up to 10 years in prison. La Ande urges the population to report this type of crimes confidentially through its institutional website ( or the “MI ANDE” application.

#Residence #dedicated #cryptomining #intervenes #capital #Alto #Paraná

Interview‍ with José Martínez,⁤ Spokesperson for the National ‍Electricity Administration (ANDE)

Editor: Thank you for joining us today, José. ‌Can you provide us with details⁤ about the recent operation in Ciudad del ⁣Este regarding illegal cryptomining?

José Martínez: ​Thank you for having me. This recent ‌operation, which took place in​ Area 8 of Ciudad del Este, was a collaborative effort between ANDE, the Public Ministry, and the National‌ Police.‌ We were alerted to suspicious ​activities related⁣ to ⁣the unauthorized use of electricity for cryptomining.

Editor: What⁤ specifically did your investigation reveal about the situation?

José Martínez: Upon our investigation, we discovered that the individual was tapping into the low-voltage electrical supply, which is illegal. The financial impact of this activity is significant, with an estimated loss of over 126 million Guaraníes to ANDE. This is essential ⁣revenue that supports our ability to​ provide reliable electricity services.

Editor: What measures does⁣ ANDE plan to take to prevent such activities in​ the‍ future?

José Martínez: We are increasing our surveillance and enforcement actions regarding electricity usage.⁤ This includes working closely ⁣with law ‌enforcement and the Public Ministry to⁣ address any illegal activities. We’re also launching awareness campaigns to inform citizens about the legal implications of such unauthorized ⁣practices.

Editor: How does illegal cryptomining impact the community at large?

José Martínez: Illegal cryptomining can lead to ⁢increased costs and disruptions in service for all ‍customers. When individuals exploit resources like this,‍ it drains the system’s capacity‌ and leads to higher electricity prices, ultimately affecting the entire ⁢community. It’s essential for residents to be aware of the‍ repercussions of such actions.

Editor: Thank you, José, for shedding‍ light on this important issue. We appreciate your efforts to maintain the integrity of electricity services in⁣ Paraguay.

José Martínez: Thank you for the ⁤opportunity to discuss this important matter. We are committed to protecting our resources and ensuring fair⁣ access for all.

To provide reliable electricity services to law-abiding customers.

Editor: That’s a considerable amount. Could you explain the technical aspects of how this illegal setup was functioning?

José Martínez: Certainly. The investigation revealed that there was a direct connection made before the meter, hidden within the walls of the residence. This was set up using a three-phase system with aluminum conductors. These methods are not only illegal but also pose serious safety hazards as they bypass our energy monitoring systems.

Editor: What actions did you take during the operation? What was seized?

José Martínez: During the raid, we seized 10 functioning cryptomining processors, along with connection conductors and electrical panels. All of these items are now in our custody and will be vital for the ongoing investigation led by the prosecutor.

Editor: And what are the potential legal repercussions for those involved in this illegal activity?

José Martínez: Under Law No. 7300/2024, the unauthorized use of electricity, especially for activities such as cryptomining, is classified as a crime. Offenders can face penalties of up to 10 years in prison, in addition to fines for the damages incurred. We are actively pursuing legal action in this case, as evidenced by our complaint filed with the Criminal Prosecutor’s Office.

Editor: what message do you want to convey to the public regarding this issue?

José Martínez: I want to emphasize the importance of protecting our electrical infrastructure. We urge citizens to report any suspicious activities related to electrical use confidentially through our website or the “MI ANDE” app. Together, we can combat these illegal practices and ensure that energy resources are used legitimately and safely for the benefit of all.|

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