Resentment is a poison!make your life shorter | anger | skin | wrinkles

[NTDTV, Beijing time, June 11, 2022]Everyone will have negative emotions to some extent, such asresentment, dissatisfaction, etc., these emotions usually pass.However, if you feel resentment all the time, beware of negative emotions that can make you grow up prematurelywrinkleget old fast.

Have you ever noticed? When you are in resentment,angerWhen you are in a mood, your facial muscles will become stiff, you have to raise the corners of your mouth deliberately to squeeze out a little smile, and the muscles in your eyebrows will also tighten.

Such a collapsed facial expression can easily make people look older, but if you are often in such an emotion, it will no longer “look”, but will really make you look older.

Lausanne Jiashen, an expert in body and mind preventive medicine and president of the Lausanne Preventive Medicine Group, pointed out that in the patients he has seen clinically, those with great grievances are usually older in appearance than those of the same age.Especially following the age of 60, do you usually laugh, whether you often feel resentment, and whether your faceAgeingThe difference is obvious,wrinkleThere is a difference in how much.

When a person feels resentment, negative emotions such as anger, panic, anxiety, revenge, etc. also follow, along with irritability and stress. Lausanne Garthan said that once negative emotions accumulate for a long time, the autonomic nervous system will gradually become unbalanced, which will lead to many physiological problems.

Autonomic nerves include sympathetic nerves and parasympathetic nerves, which are widely distributed in various tissues and organs of the human body. Once the autonomic nervous system is out of balance, insomnia, gastrointestinal problems, metabolic problems, etc. will all come to you.

When a person does not sleep well, has poor digestion and absorption, and has poor metabolism, the body’s repair ability also declines, which will cause muscle loss, poor collagen regeneration,skinget darker. This can make people prone to wrinkles, bags under the eyes, loss of skin elasticity and water retention, and an aging appearance.

In addition, emotions such as resentment and anger will also prompt the sympathetic nerves to release more of the “stress hormone” – cortisol from the adrenal glands.When there is too much cortisol in the body, it will not only inhibit hair growth and cause less hair, but also destroy collagen, and at the same time inhibit the secretion of sex hormone precursors (DHEA) in the body. Long-term insufficient secretion will accelerate the appearance.Ageing

The effect of emotions on youthful appearance “is evident in ten years’ time,” Lausanne Garthan said.

Negative emotions are manifested in appearance, in addition to the increase in wrinkles, it will also make people prone to appearanceskinsick.

The skin is the largest organ in the body. In addition to what we know as “skin”, it also includes hair, nails, epidermis, dermis, and more. The skin is also an organ closely related to emotional activities. Emotions such as anger, tension, fear, etc. can cause the skin to respond to redness, paleness, sweating, and itching.

A 2020 Italian review found that people affected by skin conditions often have associated psychological problems. Emotions such as hatred or disgust, for example, are highly associated with psoriasis. Anger was associated with psoriasis and atopic dermatitis, followed by urticaria, erythema, chronic spontaneous urticaria, acne, and vitiligo.[1]

Resentment is a poison that shortens your lifespan

“In preventive medicine, the mind is the master,” Lausanne Garthan emphasized, “the toxin of the mind is the most poisonous”, and resentment is a very poisonous toxin. He saw that patients with great grievances were not only older, but also prone to cancer.

Modern science has also found that resentment shortens lifespan.

There is a key structure at the end of human DNA – telomeres, which are the “protective caps” of DNA. Each division of a cell shortens the telomeres a little, and when the telomeres are too short to shrink any longer, the cell dies. The act of damaging telomeres leads to premature aging. (Recommended reading: These people are stressed but live the longest! 3 ways to fight stress and stay away from aging diseases)

A 2012 study in Biological Psychiatry found that people who were cynical and hostile had significantly shorter telomeres. The relationship between hostility and disease is more pronounced in men than in women.[2]

People who are cynical and hostile have significantly shorter telomeres. (Health 1+1/Epoch Times)

Another 2017 study found that cynical men had a much higher risk of cardiovascular disease, such as heart disease and stroke, and higher mortality rates.[3]

Lausanne Gathan pointed out that only by changing the state of mind can we be optimistic and happy, and the autonomic nervous system can also balance and maintain normal physiological functions. And people who always have a pleasant smile have more developed facial muscles and firmer skin.

Quit resentment. Whether it is physical age or appearance age, you will be younger than before. ◇

Living in a chaotic world, with a healthy mind in mind, look at health 1+1!

(Transfer from The Epoch Times / Responsible Editor: Zhang Li)

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