Resentment can cause cancer: unexpected details of the departure of Oleg Tabakov’s daughter are revealed

2023-09-10 07:20:33

Ruslana Alekseeva

57 minutes ago

Oleg Tabakov Nothing has been known about the daughter of director Oleg Tabakov for a long time. The master’s heiress seemed to have disappeared into the ground.

Director Oleg Tabakov divorced his first wife, actress Lyudmila Krylova, in 1994. The divorce was initiated by Lyudmila Ivanovna. The master had a secret affair with Marina Zudina for ten years. In the end, the actress got tired of being in a situation of endless deception.

The children of Tabakov and Krylova reacted painfully to their divorce. The son of celebrities, Oleg Tabakov, after a while came to terms with the collapse of his parents’ marriage, meanwhile, daughter Alexandra harbored a grudge. She could not forgive her father and did not even come to his funeral.

For many years, nothing is known about the fate of Alexandra Tabakova. Against the backdrop of a conflict with her dad, Sasha quit the theater and went into the shadows.

Famous psychologist Lyubov Rosenberg explained the reason for Alexandra’s disappearance. According to the expert, Tabakov’s daughter is now driven by pain, resentment and fear of a repetition of the situation in her own personal life. The master’s heiress loved her father and really needed him, but she took on the role of her mother’s protector.

Tabakova can be helped, says Rosenberg. There are special techniques that allow you to share the responsibility of children and adults.

“Resentment is the most unproductive feeling in which there is very little opportunity to solve the problem. The offended person nominates the culprit and waits! What? Does the culprit know what he is accused of? There is always a hidden benefit in resentment,” emphasized Lyubov Rosenberg.

The expert added that serious grievances affect health. Negative feelings cause relapses of diseases and reduce immunity. There is a theory that unprocessed resentment can cause cancer, says Rosenberg.

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Photo source: Genrietta Peryan/Global look Press

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