Researchers sound the alarm: record temperatures in the Adriatic

According to Italian researchers, temperatures in the northern Adriatic are currently at 30 degrees, the daily newspaper “La Repubblica” reported on Tuesday. The experts are warning of the effects of the “tropicalization” of the Mediterranean on fishing. There is a danger that the unappetizing algae slime that has been bothering bathers in the Adriatic for weeks will spread.

The jellyfish invasions that are increasingly reported in summer are also a sign of the climatic changes that are affecting the Mediterranean. “The Adriatic has reached temperatures like the Maldives, but without its colors,” said marine biologist Roberto Danovaro, according to the newspaper. Because of the heat wave, the living conditions are ideal for tropical fish, which are spreading more and more in the Adriatic.

Water temperatures of up to 30 degrees

Water temperatures of up to 30 degrees in some places – this was not the case in the “Mediterraneo” before. It is not yet possible to predict what consequences climate change will have in the long term. Biologists and chemists want to test the water in the Adriatic this summer. They want to get a more precise picture of what is happening in the water as a result of climate change.

The problem of algal slime has been made worse by the heatwave of the past few days, said the fishing association Confcooperative Fedagripesca. It is now calling for the appointment of a commission of experts to monitor the development of the algal plague, as well as support measures for the fishermen. Smaller boats in particular cannot even go out fishing because of the slime. This hinders the propellers and makes cleaning the mechanical elements very difficult. Damage to the nets has also been complained about.


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