Researchers reflect on the current educational approach – Universidad Veracruzana

  • In the book Assessment of higher education policies in the fourth transformation (2018-2024)
  • It was presented to the university community of the South Campus
  • It was achieved thanks to funding from the General Directorate of Academic Development and Educational Innovation of the UV

The book Balance of higher education policies in the fourth transformation (2018-2024) was presented at the South Campus

Claudia Peralta Vazquez

Photos: Jose Miguel Hernandez Platas

08/23/2024, Xalapa, Ver.- The book Assessment of higher education policies in the fourth transformation (2018-2024) It brings together opinions and reflections from researchers and scholars on the subject, regarding what was done and what was left to be done during the current six-year term in terms of education.

This exercise, coordinated by Romualdo López Zárate, from the Department of Sociology of the Division of Social Sciences of the Autonomous Metropolitan University (UAM) Azcapotzalco Unit, and Miguel Ángel Casillas Alvarado, researcher at the Center for Research and Innovation in Higher Education (CIIES) of the University of Veracruz (UV), was presented to the university community of the South Campus, where the latter academic entity is located.

Casillas Alvarado thanked this university for publishing the book, which was financed by the General Directorate of Academic Development and Educational Innovation, as part of the program to support academic bodies, since it integrates the work of at least four of them.

At the facilities of the Multimodal Care Center of the Open Education System (SEA), the work was highlighted for its free and accessible format, as well as for its content, which has already received positive reviews from readers in Spain and Latin America.

In his speech, López Zárate pointed out that there are few books that have addressed the challenges of higher education during the current administration.

In this particular case, most of the authors share points of view regarding the management of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, both for and against.

Regarding its publication, he mentioned that one of the commitments at the time of undertaking the project was that it would be revealed before the start of the next federal administration, for the knowledge of potential new officials and of students and academics interested in developing and addressing the subject.

University community listened to the reflection of UV researchers and other institutions, on the work

Precisely, from his perspective, one of the main successes of the 4T was the General Law of Higher Education, since since 1978 there had only been a completely ineffective document.

The researcher invited people to read the book, an important source for documenting, criticizing and gaining perspective on the actions taken.

In his speech, Ernesto Treviño Ronzón, from the Institute of Historical-Social Research (IIH-S), recognized the work of the authors interested in higher education who participated through their texts with different points of view, problems, objects of study, and from different ideological positions.

“It is an interesting work, carried out in four sections and 17 chapters that combine works of different orientations, magnitude and scope.”

The issue remains controversial, he said, because the 4T regime has been much loved and at the same time generated controversy. In that sense, it is not easy to build a dialogue between such diverse positions.

In his comments on the work, Favio Fuentes Navarro, from the Research Department of the Universidad Pedagógica Veracruzana, stressed that it is an essential reference to avoid making the mistakes stated and argued there.

“I cannot imagine the next heads of the Veracruz Department of Education and Public Education without reading and reviewing this work, without its analysis and pertinent advice on the problems discussed here.”

Categories: Academic Staff, Main

Tags: Center for Multimodal Care, Center for Research and Innovation in Higher Education (CIIES), Claudia Peralta Vázquez, Research Department, Department of Sociology, General Directorate of Academic Development and Educational Innovation, higher education, Institute of Historical-Social Research (IIH-S), José Miguel Hernández Platas, General Law of Higher Education, book, presentation, regime, six-year term, Open Education System (SEA), Metropolitan Autonomous University, Veracruzana Pedagogical University



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