Rescue of Kidnapped Nigerian Sisters: Police and Army Operation in Kajuru Forest

2024-01-21 11:45:24

Nigerian police say they have successfully rescued five sisters who were kidnapped and held hostage in the Nigerian capital. The girls were freed in a joint police-army operation in a forest in northern Nigeria on Saturday night.

The kidnappers demanded a ransom for their release. Nigerian police said the girls were reunited with their families following an operation near Kajuru forest in Kaduna state on Saturday.

The six sisters, ranging in age from teenagers to 23, were taken hostage on January 2 in Bwari, a suburb of Abuja, along with their father, Mansoor Al-Kadriar. The girls’ uncle ran for help. Eyewitnesses say that the policemen who tried to save them were killed.

Mansoor’s kidnappers released him after demanding a large ransom, but also killed his daughter Nabiha, 21, a final-year university student, as a warning.

#sisters #Abuja #freed #Nigerian #police

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