Rescue children from crime

The wave of robberies that progresses without truce in the city of Córdoba has two fronts of conflict that should be weighed with the same degrees of concern: the crime itself once morest defenseless victims and the participation of 12-year-old children in some of the so-called “attacks”. piranha”.

That is why there is talk of hordes of 12, 13, and 15-year-old children who join the gangs that have taken over the Sarmiento and Nueva Córdoba parks as a center of operations for the outburst, particularly on weekends due to the evening.

Beyond the fact that insecurity has exceeded the power of reaction of the Police (and of the Justice) and armed assaults are repeated in numerous Cordoba neighborhoods, it is worth questioning whether the “boys and girls” who are “debuting” in the world of crime they do so by their own decision or ordered by an adult, knowing that minors are not criminally responsible, according to the law.

In this case, the adult criminal will only have to go to the police station to pick up the boy or girl, and wait for a new opportunity to stalk.

“Piranha robbery in Córdoba: 24 detainees, including children and adolescents aged 12, 13, 15 and 17” was the title of an article we published regarding new gang attacks in the “red” zone between Nueva Córdoba and Sarmiento Park .

If the Justice, the Police, organizations that assist minorities at risk and society as a whole have no answers to such a drama, it is possible that we are losing the battle.

It is equally worrying that the current electoral year finds the political leadership absorbed full time in personal positions and in the results of dubious and expensive surveys tending to settle future candidacies.

It is worth the clarification in the sense that the majority of the contenders are not mere aspirants who make their debut in the electoral arena, but rather occupy high positions of the State of executive and legislative order, both in the local and national orbit. It is probable that the time has come to start outlining proposals; no longer doubt that citizen insecurity occupies a central place.

The neighborhood demonstrations that multiply in the streets coincide in the scarce police presence in the sectors chosen by the criminals to carry out their misdeeds. It would be necessary to add to this criminal advance the already famous “revolving door” of the Courts, which is reflected in the uncontrolled rate of criminal recidivism.

It is true that the Police have taken letters with operations aimed at deactivating the “piranha” gangs, but something is failing, in light of the recurrence that is observed every weekend.

How to understand with a certain degree of sensibility that “early” criminals are sniffing out the next victim at 5 or 6 in the morning? Perhaps some unscrupulous subject might explain this and other suspicions.

In short summary, the State must do something. Urgent.



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