It no longer matters how old you are: if you have paid contributions for 41 years, regardless of age, you can retire. The proposal of the League – “Quota 41”, to be precise – is destined to warm the hearts of millions of Italians. If now, in fact, the system in force “Quota 103” provides that, in addition to the constraint of 41 years of contributions, there is also a minimum threshold of 62 years of age to hang up your labors, the new government project aims to bring the coveted goal of retirement closer to workers. This is what Quotidiano Nazionale reported, which adds that this welfare strategy for 2025 helps to outline an innovative framework in view of the package of measures on social security, the main novelty of which is precisely Quota 41 that Matteo Salvini’s party would like to pass in the fall as part of the next Financial Maneuver.
In short, the Carroccio project – sponsored in particular by the Undersecretary of Economy Claudio Durigon -, Quota 41, aims to chase away Quota 103 in the 2025 Budget Law. The latter played a fundamental role in containing pension spending in the current year, but now for the Government, especially for the League, it is time to turn the page. It is clear that this measure entails an increase in costs for the State, which, as happened with the last Budget, will have to make a virtue of necessity given the limited resources available, also in relation to its adherence to the limits imposed by the European Union due to the deficit. And this is why Quota 41 must also include a piece capable of counterbalancing the increase in pension spending. As a result, we find in the League’s proposal the necessary inclusion of the contributory recalculation of the allowance for flexibility on exit, that is, for those who choose to say goodbye to the world of work by taking advantage of the legislation.
Quota 41 pure, based on mixed calculation systems typical of those who started working in the 1980s, would weigh too heavily on the state coffers: about 4 billion in 2025 and 9 billion per year at full capacity. An excessive outlay. By virtue of this, the counterbalance mentioned above will be represented by the calculation of the allowance exclusively with the contributory system introduced in 1996 by the Dini Reform. The contributory method, less advantageous for workers, differs from the retributive one in being a system of calculating the pension determined exclusively on the basis of the contributions paid during the working life, and not of the last salaries received. Looking at the substance, the cut in the pension allowance would oscillate between 15 and 20%, but in some cases it could even exceed 20% with increasing effects for the following years. The road to approval by the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) is still long, but the Quota 41 project is coming to life.
#requirements #contributions #Tempo
2024-08-15 17:08:01