Report of the UN Mission on Venezuela accused the Venezuelan government of committing crimes against humanity

  • The United Nations report indicated that the profile of the victims of repression expanded after the presidential elections

The Independent International Mission of the United Nations (UN) for Venezuela stated on October 15 that it sees reasonable grounds to believe that the government of Nicolás Maduro committed “crimes against humanity” before, during and after the presidential elections of the July 28.

In a 158-page report covering the period from September 1, 2023 to August 31, 2024, the mission accuses security forces and pro-government armed civilian groups of murders, forced disappearances, acts of torture, violence sexual and gender, persecution of opponents and the repression of protests after the elections.

According to the UN Independent International Mission, security forces were involved in human rights (HR) violations such as arbitrary arrests, excessive use of force to repress protests, or cruel and degrading treatment.

The document pointed out that the Bolivarian National Intelligence Service (Sebin), the General Directorate of Military Counterintelligence (DGCIM), the Bolivarian National Guard (GNB) and the National Police (PNB) were responsible.

Foro Penal reported 46 arrests during protests on July 29
Photo: EFE

The UN Mission also assured that the statements of the highest authorities of the State, especially after July 28, incited repression and contributed to generating a climate of hostility and violence.

Other institutions highlighted in the report are the National Electoral Council (CNE), for failing to comply with basic measures of transparency and integrity; the National Assembly, for being an instrument in the approval of new laws contrary to human rights and restrictive of civic and democratic space; and the Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ), for operating with a lack of independence.

Victim profile

Although previous mission reportsestablished in 2019, have already accused the Venezuelan State of human rights violations, the new document highlights that the profile of the victims of repression expanded “significantly” in the electoral period, covering not only opposition and social leaders .

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Photo: EFE

In this context, the document warned that the abuses were also committed against ordinary citizens, simply for demonstrating their disagreement with the government or with the results of the presidential elections announced by the electoral and judicial authorities.

The mission chaired by Portuguese lawyer Marta Valiñas highlighted in the report that in the 10 months prior to the elections at least 48 people were detained in relation to conspiracies reported by the Venezuelan government, many of them in the so-called White Bracelet operation. In addition, during the electoral campaign they recorded at least another 121 arrests for collaborating in opposition activities.

“These types of campaigns served as justification for the selective repression of the military, politicians and civil society activists,” stated the report of the group of experts, which together with Valiñas is made up of the Chilean Francisco Cox and the Argentine Patricia Tappatá.

Foro Penal reported that there are 157 women and 16 people with disabilities among those detained since July 29
Photo: EFE/ Henry Chirinos

The document added that repression increased after the election results, when the authorities launched an “unprecedented” campaign of mass and indiscriminate arrests.

Renewal of the Fact-Finding Mission in Venezuela

The members of the UN Human Rights Council approved on October 11 the renewal for two years of the mandate of the Mission Determination of Facts in Venezuela.

The representatives of Chile and Argentina before the council presented the resolution to be voted on.

In their speeches they broke down some complaints of possible human rights violations and crimes against humanity in Venezuela in recent years.

Likewise, delegates reviewed and voted to maintain support for the Office of the High Commissioner of the UN Human Rights Council in Venezuela.

The resolution received 23 votes in favor, 18 abstentions and 6 against.

With information from EFE

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