The mobile phone company WOM was denounced by a client who acquired a credit to obtain a ‘low-end’ cell phone with them. User complains regarding WOM and Credivalores for omitting information when requesting a loan.
The abusive contract evidences an indirect debt worth $116,000 pesos in procedures that the WOM company does not assume.

Be careful with the ‘small’ letter of WOM
According to the complaint, WOM sellers say that to acquire a cell phone on a fee, customers must pay 30% of the cell phone.
Luis González, the victim of WOM indicated that this money was transferred to the payment of procedures of the direct and indirect costs of the credit process.
“This item remunerates all the direct and indirect costs associated with the commercial appraisal, electronic and remote inspection and study of the Terminal by the Contractor”states the WOM company in the contract.
The contract clearly states that the “single price will be paid by the Employer to the Contractor”as actually happened.
???? Goodbye Claro: they denounce labor mistreatment in Claro and WOM gives the best response
Luis González points out that the payment of the $116,000 pesos should have been for the initial cell phone fee, not to pay for the WOM paperwork.
This client will now wait 15 business days to withdraw from the credit, which for him was a real scam.
Dear friend, be very careful with the scam that the company is selling @womcolombia
They sell them a credit that tells them that they must pay 30% of the value of the cell phone but they do not explain that 30% is for the value of the documents and an app.– Luis González ???? (@Gentil_LuisG) September 11, 2022
In addition to paying interest, WOM was also charging paperwork that is equivalent to 1/3 of what the cell phone costs.
“We clarify that we never said that we were not going to pay the interest, but they insist that 30% of the value of the cell phone is for financial expenses, which they do not tell you before, but following paying”stated the complainant.
Look at what the seller says, we clarify that we never said that we were not going to pay the interest, but they insist that 30% of the value of the cell phone is for financial expenses, which they do not tell you before, but following paying .
– Luis González ???? (@Gentil_LuisG) September 11, 2022