Reply S. Vultepsi to SYRIZA: I remind you of familiar evils and your doctorate in lies

“It is now obvious that SYRIZA and Mr. Kasselakis are obsessed with my humility because they cannot stand my insistence on reminding them of familiar evils. There is no other explanation: They don’t want to be bothered when the truth turns to ashes the last remnants of their credibility. They don’t want the propaganda narrative they are setting up on the ruins of a disaster to be cancelled,” emphasizes the Deputy Minister of Immigration and Asylum Sofia Vultepsi in her statement.

As Ms. Wultepsi says: “They are bothered by my references to the climate crisis (these super environmentalists) and the fires spreading from China to Canada, home of Canadair, the procurement of which they voted against last March.

They are annoyed when I remind them that for the disaster in Mati, the National Transparency Authority did not find a single document on population removal. And that the conclusion of the prosecutors stated that the meeting of the Coordinating Committee (the minutes of which they are requesting today) was completely meaningless and contributed nothing. And that the situation was so chaotic that they simply watched the destruction in Mati “like Xerxes from his golden throne on Mount Aigaleo”. And that to the complaints about the absence of planes, the response of the then government representative was that “they are hidden by the smoke” and that “there is a drop circle”. And of course, they didn’t have time to pass their law on Civil Protection, but they did have time to pass the Criminal Code that changed the basic crime of arson from a felony to a misdemeanor!”

The Deputy Minister of Immigration and Asylum also says that “after questioning the Justice, they also question the Fire Brigade!

Mr. Kasselakis cannot stand this, because he recently told us that he is proud of the SYRIZA government. Therefore, he is also proud of the management at Mati. Another point of disagreement with Mr. Tsipras, who in an interview with Sky (2/7/2019) said: “I got angry with how the state apparatus was dissolved in Mati”.

“From everything I mentioned, they focused on whether the fire is “mega” or not. And they refer to the meteorologists.

Because they constantly pretend to be bright omniscients and urge us to tear up degrees and throw away the encyclopedias, I refer them to an interview by Dr. Thodoris Giannarou, in “Kathimerini” (21/6/22).

“Although there is no precise definition, the term ‘mega-fire’ refers to a fire with a very large area and adverse effects. Conversely, a wildfire can be extreme even when it is significantly small in size. Elements that characterize a forest fire as extreme are very high to extreme speeds of spread, very high to extreme thermal loads, the creation of fire clouds and dense patches. Conditions favorable for the occurrence of mega-fires and extreme forest fires are created by climate change, through the more frequent and more intense presence of very hot and very dry weather,” emphasizes Mrs. Vultepsi and continues: “But as you know, there is always SYRIZA” accurate”. That’s why they were sure that the drums would beat and the markets would dance.

Unfortunately, the only degree that SYRIZA will never tear up, is its doctorate in lying…”

And she concludes her statement with a postscript: “Can they at SYRIZA tell us where they sent the people on vacation in the summer of 2015, when they closed the banks with 5 Acts of Legislative Content and imposed capital controls?” Maybe in the ATM queues?’

#Reply #Vultepsi #SYRIZA #remind #familiar #evils #doctorate #lies



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