Repigmentation of white hair? Here are some natural tips

Aging is one of the most natural processes there is, a part of life that you can’t stop, although you sometimes want to. Your hair turns gray or white due to a loss of melanin, a pigment-producing component in cells, sooner or later it happens. The less melanin you have, the lighter your hair color. Gray hair has a minimal amount of melanin, while white hair has none at all. As you age, it is natural to lose melanin in your hair. In fact, the likelihood of your hair turning gray is estimated to increase by 20% per decade after your 30s. Here are different natural remedies for repigmentation of white hair as well as the most common reasons why it happens.

Vitamin deficiencies – Causes of white hair

Why does your hair turn gray or white a little quickly? The reasons can be multiple including a deficiency in vitamins B-6, B-12, biotin, vitamin D or vitamin E. This can contribute to premature graying. Specialists find that nutritional deficiencies affect pigmentation, suggesting color may return with vitamin supplementation. Studies on the subject reveal that low levels of serum ferritin, which stores iron in the body, vitamin B-12 and good HDL-C cholesterol were common in participants with premature graying of hair.


white hair repigmentation reviews

Race and ethnicity also play a role in premature aging. Premature graying in whites can begin as early as age 20, while a person can be as young as 25 in Asians, and 30 in African American populations.

Certain medical conditions

natural repigmentation of white hair

Certain medical conditions, including autoimmune diseases, can increase a person’s risk of early graying. White hair is also common in alopecia areata, an autoimmune skin condition that causes hair loss on the scalp, face, and other parts of the body. When hair regrows, it tends to be white due to melanin deficiency.

Black pepper – trick for the repigmentation of white hair

white hair repigmentation

This is a safer alternative to chemical dyes, but it also means that they will not lighten or darken the hair in one session, you must repeat the dyeing process several times to achieve the desired result . For this recipe – mix a tablespoon of freshly ground black pepper and lemon juice with half a cup of yogurt. Mix well and massage into hair and scalp. Leave on for about an hour, then rinse off with lukewarm water. Repeat the operation three times a week.

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onion juice

white hair repigmentation for men

Mix 2 to 3 teaspoons of onion juice, 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and 1 teaspoon of olive oil. Massage the scalp and hair and wash it off after half an hour. Effective solution against graying hair, onion also promotes hair growth. It increases the enzyme, catalase, which darkens the hair. Combined with lemon juice, it gives shine and spring to the hair.

Almond oil and lemon juice

repigmentation of white hair

Mix almond oil and lemon juice in a ratio of 2:3. Massage the scalp and hair well. Rinse off after 30 minutes. Almond oil contains vitamin E which is extremely beneficial for the hair. It nourishes the roots and prevents premature greying. Lemon juice not only adds shine and volume to hair, but also promotes healthy hair growth.

Curry leaves and oil

repigment white hair

Boil a cup of curry leaves in a cup of oil until they turn black. Leave to cool, filter and store. Massage the hair 2-3 times a week with the mixture. Leave on overnight. Curry leaves are full of B vitamins and help restore pigment in your hair follicles and prevent the appearance of gray hair. It is a rich source of beta-keratin which also prevents hair loss.

Henna and coffee – for repigmentation of gray hair

easy repigmentation of gray hair

For this homemade mask, add 1 tablespoon of coffee powder to hot boiling water. Let it cool and make a paste with the henna powder, then let it sit covered for a few hours. Mix 1 tablespoon of an oil of your choice and apply generously covering hair completely. Rinse off after an hour.

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