Repeated train delays: “Anything can happen to SNCB, except trains”, quotes Prévot

This week was marked by strike action in the various public service sectors; each sector requires more means and more personnel. This is particularly the case in the railway sector. Last month, no less than 4,700 trains were canceled in Belgium, i.e. one train in twenty. This is unheard of. A slap for the million Belgians who take the train every day. Another figure, 82.4% of the trains arrived on time.

Maxime Prévot, president of the party “Les Engagés” (formerly cdH), was present on the set of the program “It’s not every day on Sunday”: “When we come to say in the sports bars that everything can arrive at the SNCB, except the trains. All is said. While the minister is Ecolo (Georges Gilkinet) have noticed a poor record.” Maxime Prévot enumerates: “With an increase in fares, a decrease in punctuality, with the removal of a series of stops and trains, I think this changeover, which had been promised by the Vivaldi (political coalition in place at the federal level) to really make public transport state-of-the-art transport, including for rural people, is a missed opportunity.”

A matter of time

Also present during the debate, two ministers from the current government: David Clarinval, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for the Middle Classes, the Self-Employed, SMEs – MR. But also Pierre-Yves Dermagne: Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economy and Labor – PS. Socialist Minister Dermagne blamed his rail problems partly on the previous government, that of Charles Michel: “Unfortunately, there is a delay to catch up. When we talk regarding SNCB and Infrabel, we are talking regarding a massive investment, but above all a divestment that needs to be caught up. It does take time.”

According to the minister, objectives have been set between the government, SNCB and Infrabel. “It will be necessary to be attentive that these objectives are met.” For his part, David Clarinval (MR) explained that changes would “be reflected in the facts soon.”

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