Repeated episodes of atopic dermatitis, skin color deposits on the neck-Instant News-Free Health Network

▲ Dr. Chen Weiyu explained the patient’s lesions. (Photo provided by Chen Weiyu)

Text / Chen Weiyu

A 24-year-old female office worker has been suffering from atopic dermatitis.

When the patient went to the doctor, he said that if he was stressed during his teenage years, the symptoms would be more severe, and the condition would occur repeatedly, both good and bad, and there would be itching in many parts of the body. When she was an adult, the most serious affected area was the neck and neck, which still made her so itchy that she mightn’t sleep. The long-term scratching of the skin resulted in pigmentation, and she was covered with long hair for a long time. However, due to the fluttering hair, the neck and neck were even more itchy. Recently, I came to the outpatient clinic for diagnosis and treatment.

Divide by drug treatment to relieve good living habits can cure the root cause

Since her skin has already been inflamed, in addition to standard topical ointment and oral medication to relieve the symptoms of itching, she is also advised to pay attention to skin moisturizing and adjust her daily routine to reduce the chance of recurrence.

Atopic dermatitis is a chronic inflammatory skin disease. In addition to congenital causes, external stimuli can also easily lead to deterioration of the skin condition. In addition to dry skin due to insufficient water-retaining ingredients in the stratum corneum of the skin, patients are more prone to bacterial infection of the skin, and are also easily stimulated by allergens in the environment, which can easily cause itching and inflammation, and evolve into eczema.

When the skin is in eczema symptoms and cannot be metabolized normally, the skin dysfunction causes intense itching. Repeated itching will also thicken the skin, deepen the lines and pigmentation.

Atopic dermatitis has different predilection sites in different age groups. The first onset of most patients is regarding 3-6 months following birth. The lesions often extend from the face to the trunk and limbs. Continuous exudation of tissue fluid and crusting, discomfort often makes the baby cry, sleepless nights.

After childhood or adolescence, due to hormones affecting the constitution or changes in the living environment, the flexion of the limbs or the face and other parts will be dry and sensitive, and it is easy to have repeated wet diagnosis.

The typical lesions in adult patients include: sweat accumulation places such as the neck, elbows, knee sockets and other curved skin folds, as well as repeated sweat herpes on the soles of the hands and feet. Many patients with atopic dermatitis cannot sleep well because of severe itching on the skin, resulting in inability to concentrate during the day, and ultimately poor performance in study and work, which has a dramatic impact on the quality of life. There are also some patients who are ostracized by their peers due to repeated scratching of the skin, which leads to psychological problems.

There are many similar cases of atopic dermatitis in dermatology clinics, ranging from infants to adults and even the elderly. Drug treatment is only a part of it, which can relieve discomfort, allow patients to sleep better, and improve their quality of life.

The most fundamental way is to have good living habits, correct use of moisturizing products, appropriate clothing and bedding, and reduce the chance of exposure to allergens. Only by avoiding irritants that worsen the skin condition can atopic dermatitis be prevented.

(The author is a dermatologist at Yafeng Beauty Clinic)

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