Repair of rural roads benefits residents of Concepción

Asuncion, IP Agency.- The Ministry of Public Works and Communications (MOPC) completed maintenance work this week on rural roads in the department of Concepción, benefiting 1,770 families.

These works allowed the transitability of these roads to be restored, which are crucial for the daily life of the population, facilitating access to basic services such as education, health and others, according to the MOPC report.

In the town of Yby Yaú, roadways were cleared and platforms were patched in the section that connects PY05 with Callejón 3 Sapucai, which directly assisted 400 families. In addition, at the entrance to the Ñepotyvo colony, patching and profiling work was carried out, improving conditions for an additional 250 families.

On the route that connects the San Roque colony with San Antonio and Sapucai, special tasks were carried out with a backhoe, positively impacting another 200 families in the district.

In the Horqueta district, the repairs consisted of patching and profiling several kilometers, including the section that links route PY05 with Calle 10, benefiting 100 families.

In addition, improvements in access to the communities of Brasilcue and Ybyraty benefited 120 more families.

In Belén, 6 kilometers of the road from PY05 to the Lemó area were optimized, reaching 50 families.

Finally, in San Alfredo, the works undertaken helped 450 families, while in Paso Barreto, 200 more families benefited from the works carried out.

Maintaining rural roads in good condition is crucial for local communities, as it not only facilitates daily travel for residents, but also promotes economic development by allowing efficient transportation of agricultural products and access to markets.

They also ensure that basic services such as healthcare and education are available to all rural residents.

#Repair #rural #roads #benefits #residents #Concepción
2024-08-20 19:58:40



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