Repair bonus for bicycles without motors: Companies can register from today

Until now, the federal government’s funding only applied to devices with electronic or electrical components, so e-bikes were included, but normal bicycles were not. From racing bikes to mountain bikes, ab 16. September all common bicycles are covered (the OÖN reported). From today, August 7th, bicycle repair shops can register at Register as a partner company.

The subsidy per voucher amounts to 50 percent of the repair costs up to a value of 200 euros for a repair, service or maintenance or 30 euros for a cost estimate. The repair bonus can be claimed by all private individuals residing in Austria on and submitted within three weeks to one of the participating partner companies The entire invoice amount must be paid to the partner company and the funding amount will be transferred directly to the applicant’s bank account.

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According to the ministry, more than 1 million devices have been repaired since the repair bonus was introduced. So far, 130 million euros have been made available for this from the EU Recovery and Resilience Fund. 124 million euros from national funds are now available for the continuation, 92 million euros for 2024 and 32 million for 2025.



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