RentalTech Audiovisual promotes the circular economy

Increasingly, companies are aware of the profile of the new consumer, not only more digital, economical and eager for innovations, but also concerned about the impact that their consumption will have on the next generations. No wonder, according to a survey by Opinion Box, cited in an article on the Meio & Mensagem website, almost half (46%) of Brazilians expect a positive social impact from the brands they relate to.

In addition to the socio-environmental issue, the concept of circular economy – preferred by the new consumer – generates savings, as it proposes renting or sharing goods, rather than owning them. To get an idea, 62% of Brazilians prefer using app cars than investing in their own vehicle, according to the survey “Online Consumption in Brazil”, carried out by Edelman, at the request of PayPal.

As with locomotion software, initiatives that make it possible to rent or share products and services set the trend and bring a series of innovations to the market. The resource is an alternative not only for individuals, but also for legal entities, who can rent the necessary equipment for their business, instead of buying them, no longer investing high amounts in technologies.

Leandro Ferreira, CEO-Founder of Mov Locadora – a company that rents or subscribes to audiovisual equipment and technology – positively evaluates the circular economy initiatives present in Brazil, mainly driven by the new consumer profile.

“Today, there is no longer a need to own an item, but to have access and be able to use the good only when necessary – and renting equipment per day or subscribing fits this concept”, he says.

Ferreira explains that, with the evolution of technologies and the continuous launch of new equipment by the industry, in addition to becoming obsolete and losing value at the time of resale, the option of renting per day or subscribing to audiovisual equipment becomes an option for those who want practicality. without the need to invest a high amount.

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“Producers, videographers, photographers and content creators can use the capital [que seria utilizado para a compra de equipamentos] to invest in studies, hiring and qualification of the team, for example”, he says. “In addition, this business format can help people who are looking for a service/product only for a while, such as a trip, and are not professionals”.

The CEO of Mov Locadora points out that today the startup serves, on average, 300 customers per month in its units in São Paulo (SP), Florianópolis (SC) and Rio de Janeiro (RJ). “We plan to increase our service area in the first half of 2023 with new units to meet the increased demand”, he says.

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